Style icons of the XX century

Style icons of the XX century
 At all times there were women with a sense of style and is a certain standard that try to imitate others. They are called style icons. However, only in the twentieth century, with the development of cinema and television, there are many stars, whose style has become a classic fashion.

Coco Chanel

Chanel style - this elegant, stunning femininity. She was the lead designer of France. Be inspired by her male fashion, following the road simplicity in clothes made of Coco Chanel significant figure in the history of fashion of the last century, and the magazine "Time" has made its name in the list of 100 most influential people of the twentieth century.

Thanks to Coco Mademoiselle in wardrobes fashionistas were little black dress business pantsuit and a fitted jacket. By the way, we are obliged to Coco Chanel fashion for a tan, though, say that it was an accident. Fashion badly burned in the sun, and as such has appeared in Cannes. The public is immediately picked up "fashion trend".

The case probably played an important role in the fate of this great woman. Fashion for short haircuts that made Chanel, also appeared by accident. Once in the house Coco lit geyser and singed her hair. Chanel boldly cut his locks with a hair came out "to people." So in vogue short haircuts.

Marilyn Monroe

The style of this magnificent and incredibly beautiful woman, has become truly an idol for millions of people - femininity and sexuality.

Monroe combines the contradictory feminine qualities. It was touching, sweet and low, but at the same time, calculating, cold and fatal seductress.

Around the world, many women emulated and imitated the style of Monroe. Lighten hair, lipstick red lipstick, dress like Marilyn, copy her gestures, gait and facial expressions.

Audrey Hepburn

Style actress - a combination of American and French elegance glamor. Her image in the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany", "Sabrina", "My Fair Lady" have become classics of cinema and fashion.

Audrey said: "The beauty of a woman - not in her dress, shape or hairstyle. It is - in the glare of the eye. After all, the eye - is the gateway to the heart, where love lives. " Indeed, Audrey remembered millions thanks to its charming, extremely beautiful eyes and restraint.

List of women who are style icons of the twentieth century, can continue indefinitely: Princess Diana, Twiggy, Madonna, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Jacqueline Kennedy, Brigitte Bardot, Marlene Dietrich, Knightley Wood and Grace Kelly and many others.

Tags: style, age