Most young actresses in Hollywood

Most young actresses in Hollywood
 Famous Actresses do not become overnight - most stellar podium preceded by a long and hard work in little-known films, but there are pleasant exceptions. For someone glory comes with age, and someone walks down the red carpet cinema Kodak Theatre after one of his first films. Look at the career of three very different actresses who were the real stars of being young.

High point for Kirsten Dunst was the film in 1994, "Interview with the Vampire," in which she starred as 12 years old, although before the age of 7, she played in the Woody Allen film "New York Stories" and another 8 others little-known paintings. After 1994, her career took off, and the viewer could be moved her cute children's appearance in the film "Little Women" and "Jumanji". Fans of TV series 90's probably remember her appearance in "Ambulance". Since then she has starred in a trilogy of Spider-Man, the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "Elizabethtown," "Mona Lisa Smile," "Marie Antoinette" and other well-known paintings.

But on Haley Staynfeld luck struck literally out of the blue after it noticed the masters of modern cinema Joel and Ethan Coen, inviting the 14 year old actress flashed a couple of series, the main role in the film adaptation of his 1969 book, "True Grit." The success of the picture was a foregone conclusion - the first time the Coen brothers filmed a western, and he just could not bring young Miss Staynfeld universal acceptance and success. The result of Haley became an Oscar nomination and the prize of the British Academy.

Speaking of young actresses in Hollywood can not ignore the Kristen Stewart, who played 12 years in tandem with Oscar-winner Jodie Foster in the thriller "Panic Room", and made it a very worthy. Recognized audiences and critics, Kristen over 5 years of hard work, playing as the main and supporting roles in such films as "Cold Creek Manor", "Catch That Kid," "In the Land of Women," "Into the Wild" and other films known directors. And in 2008 with the release of the vampire saga "Twilight" series of admirers Kristen Stewart strongly rejuvenated, and since its appearance in the new film waiting for more movie lovers and female beauty.

Tags: birth, an actress, a young actor, hollywood, Kirsten Dunst, Staynfeld, hollywood