History of the brand: Burberry cell

History of the brand: Burberry cell
 Burberry - a brand with international fame and recognition. Its popularity owes a brand one very successful design solution - one of the most famous cage through which fashion house Burberry know even the most distant from the industry people. Beauty in simplicity and elegance - it adheres to the truth of this long history of cell Burberry. The striking combination of colors, the lack of spare parts, a beautiful legend - terms invariably lead to success.

The origins of the history of cell Burberry relate to 1924, when the company's founder - Thomas Burberry - decided to add to the gaining popularity of Burberry trench coats original lining in a pattern, which is a cell of the four basic colors: black, red, white and sand. Select Picture determined by the fact that it looked like a combination of a traditional English soft and cozy blanket home, which undoubtedly had in mind soldiers. Despite the fact that initially these trench coats of fine gabardine representing trench coat to the knee, were intended for the British Army, they soon moved into the wardrobes of conventional, non-customer service people.

The success has inspired designers Burberry cells to create not only a clothing line with this pattern, but also to bet on stylish accessories. The peak of popularity - the end of the 20th century. Circle of admirers house Burberry, consisting mainly of former members of the aristocracy, has expanded by attracting younger audiences. If the older generation impressed strict and rather conservative corporate identity clothes of this brand, then for a young audience proved attractive is the variety of stylish accessories. Were produced soft toys, teddy bears, sunglasses, umbrellas, hair clips, watches, perfumes, handbags, lingerie collection. And all this in a constant branding. A little later in the cell Burberry decided to use blue instead of pink stripes. Both color schemes have been equally successful.

None of the brands, unfortunately, can not escape the fact that sooner or later it will forge. Not spared this fate and cell side Burberry. And if other fashion houses tried to ignore the fake, the company Burberry decided to abandon further use of his signature prints - cells. This decision was largely well received due to the fact that the corporate identity Burberry has suddenly become a mandatory addition to the wardrobe "chavsterov" - young people from the outskirts of the UK whose main occupation was to drink beer, swear, put up a fight in a public place. They went mainly in tracksuits and, as if by agreement, in caps and scarves Burberry. It is they who caused the biggest damage to the reputation of the firm.

Tags: costume, history, cage, brand, appearance, accessories, burberry