Hairstyles Oxana Fedorova

Hairstyles Oxana Fedorova
 Oxana Fedorova, a former Miss Universe, today - a model and a famous leading fashionista. Oksana attaches so much importance to appearance, even wrote a book about the image, fashion and beauty. But as you know, not only clothes and accessories create an image. Important role in the creation of style hairstyle plays, and today we speak of them - hairstyles and styling Oxana Fedorova.

Oksana - the owner of the beautiful straight brown hair. Abandoning the title of "Miss Universe", which implies the classic long tresses, Fedorova today with ease experimenting with her hair. Well, she has every right to it - the recognized world face almost all beauty.

Oksana loves as elaborate hairstyles and the laying of natural light. She often appears in public in evening gowns with high intricate hairstyles and styling in retro style. In a relaxed atmosphere, it is a little curled ringlets, which are a wonderful addition its bright appearance. For the filming of "Good night kids' cute Oksana collects hair in a high ponytail.

Star clearly follows the fashion. For example, not so long ago, it cuts out the actual thick bangs, and during the craze all sorts of braids on the screen with a long pigtail stylish. Recently, in one of the TV shows, Oksana appeared before the audience with hair supplemented fashion accessory - a ribbon on her head in the style of a hippie, and the image was very memorable.

Fedorov not only changes the placement, and sometimes it can be solved on a more radical actions. So, some time ago, she made a short haircut bulk resembling a square with an elongation-to-face and dyed her hair a dark color. Sure, she began to look very stylish and fresh. "Work colleagues" Oksana recognized that it is not immediately recognize the famous lead after this upgrade.

Whatever hairstyle Fedorov did not choose, it always emphasizes the naturalness. Oksana uses very little hair accessories, prefers natural harmonious colors and interesting live installation. As she admits herself, successful hairstyle able to lift the mood and give a wonderful sense of self for the whole day.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, bangs, haircut, style, styling, Oksana Fedorov