Autumn Collection Chanel 2010

Autumn Collection Chanel 2010
 About the design house of Chanel know, even those who are infinitely far from fashion. More than a hundred years, he has the highest position in the production of luxury goods: clothing, perfumes, sunglasses and jewelry. Despite the long history, each new collection of striking novelty and originality, while remaining within a single style, which assumes perfect proportions, working with color, texture fabric. Chanel style - is, above all, style confident business woman who stands firmly on his feet and knows what he wants. The main object of the work Chanel - ladies' suit. This fall, Karl Lagerfeld invites us to wrap myself in a fluffy fur, covered with golden scales and surround yourself with translucent chiffon and taffeta. Women's magazine Justlady with you acquainted with the fall collection Chanel 2010.

The history of this famous brand is inextricably linked with its founder Gabrielle Chanel, nicknamed "Coco", impresses with its rapid and steady growth, control positions gained and total dedication and traditions. This - Chanel perfume №5, little black dress, fitted jacket, handbag 2.55, this particular style of business, but the sensual woman. In Chanel suit starred in the films Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn, they appear at official receptions wives of presidents and business leaders. In 1982, the fashion house headed by renowned fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who, keeping the traditional approach and style of the brand, creates the actual collection.

Autumn Collection Chanel Ready-to-wear 2010

In the words of Karl, the autumn show in its scope and grandeur exceeded all possible expectations, especially after the spring catwalks not brought significant success compared to other brands. Especially for him from Scandinavia was brought a small fragment of the iceberg, which was located at the central site. It was cut through the arch and it came out of her models when it started showingChanel Fall 2010Which opens Beha Erichsen Fry, is in itself a new carrier, a little rough, and perhaps even eerie image of a woman. We now turn to the collection: on the background of the Arctic ice we were met by a long, not very fluffy, but rather shaggy fur brown, black and icy bluish tones. Not knowing borders, Karl puts his model in a fur pants and even fur shorts, combined with knit Valen Felt attributes, tweeds and leather. Tweed - one of the hits of the fall shows, and is a traditional material for the house of Chanel, we find brown, black, white, pink, red suit with a nap in a cell with a capacity contrasting threads, trimmed with fur. Special chicChanel Fall 2010 - Red rim on the edge of some products, making small ethnic element, as well as fringe.

Autumn Collection Chanel 2010
Autumn Collection Chanel 2010
Autumn Collection Chanel 2010
chanel ? 2010
Autumn Collection Chanel 2010

pictured: Chanel Fall 2010

 Completes the display crisp white wedding dress in the same style, with fur, knit bodice and rows of small fluffy ruffles along the edge of the hem. When Karl Lagerfeld was asked: Is it real fur? "He replied," No, man, but the design is real! "Snow arches, icy makeup, lush, combed back hair - not just a viewer sees a number of suits, it is immersed in the magical atmosphere of fairy tales. Let's stop attention to the accessories: small, square-shaped bags made of fur or leather with fur trim is, the present 2.55 times Coco Chanel, however, in the light of the arctic lights. The collectionChanel Fall 2010 We met a rich set of ornaments made in the same style: set to be confused icy crystals in silver and white colors on bracelets, barrettes, necklaces, and even buttons. Interesting novelty - bracelet oblong shape, which is not fixed on the wrist, and by hand.

Autumn Collection Chanel haute couture 2010

After traveling through the snow and icebergs icy desert we find ourselves in a world of golden dragons and fiery gold. This CollectionChanel 2010 Haute Couture Karl Lagerfeld ties together the eastern luxury of plenty and French elegance. Materials - taffeta, organza, brocade, satin, color - deep blue, carmine-red, deep dark shades of beige and pale pink. The basic composition - coat or skirt in three quarters and low boots. This is one of the most difficult bases, which relies on fashion rather 30s than 50s, but the designer cope with it masterfully: he says that has already tired from the long dresses and such length - exactly what you need now. Pay special attention to yourself decorations and details: thick multi-piece bracelet with many stones, large buckles, gold embroidery depicting dragons, fairy flowers, scattering of stones on the dress. RoundingChanel collection 2010 haute couture costumes flower, "granny" fabrics. Pay attention to the sleeves - or three-quarters, or "sham" in the style of the late XIX century. Another original discovery - a full skirt, short jacket and light silk blouse with little frills trousers - easy, comfortable and stylish.

chanel 2010 2011
Autumn Collection Chanel 2010
chanel ? 2010
chanel fall 2010
Autumn Collection Chanel 2010

pictured: Chanel fall 2010

So what are the main findings of designer Chanel will be useful to us? More fur, it is better if artificial, but with a claim to natural, tweed suit in a cage or a bright stitching high boots. And of course, the ice crystals in heavy jewelry and accessories. Small handbag on a chain, and with a bit of fur, applications of gold, brocade, flowers and translucent organza for publication. And do not forget to buy a couple of heavy bracelets!

 Maria Leo
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: costume collection