Occupation - fashion designer

Occupation - fashion designer
 Many people like to keep track of their external appearance, try to vary your clothes from others conform to their style and fashion trends. Find a unique way to help designers. This is a specialist who is working on modeling clothes. However, he draws attention to the quality and color of the fabric, as well as shoes and accessories that are suitable for addition. In general, "sculpts" a new image from the beginning to the end.
 The history of the profession of fashion designer goes back to a time when people wore clothes factory, sewn in large numbers on the same pattern. It was then that the wealthy were created collections and fashion shows. Became the first fashion designer Charles Worth. Each model he created, it was sewn by hand on the orders of the Empress, the wives of ambassadors and other "socialite".

His disciple was Paul Poiret, who came to creating outfits so creatively and aesthetically pleasing, that every woman dressed them becomes like a "goddess of beauty". Designers have lived quite comfortably, as the old collection quickly became obsolete, became unfashionable, and should create new ones.

At first it may seem that the profession of fashion designer today is not very much and need. It would seem that any member of the human race is able to choose the clothes on their own. But in fact, before the clothes will be on the shelves of shops and boutiques, it must be someone to create.

In the creation of fashion designer outfits try to take into account the features of different shapes to hide the flaws and emphasize the dignity. This "magic" is made using fabric, color and cut. So before to experiment with her clothes, it is better to consult a professional fashion designer.

Fashion designer simply must have a sense of style and taste, to know the latest trends in contemporary fashion, have a rich imagination and creative mindset. In addition, it should have the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of tailoring. In addition to developing the model needs to be done sketches, cut out the fabric and sew it.

Many designers tend to be generally recognized, but not all of them achieve this. However glory usually has two sides of the coin. The positive side is brand awareness, rich clients, the popularity among the people. Negative - a huge responsibility to the public. Must constantly match her expectations, to be able to surprise with original and fresh ideas.

Before you choose a profession designer, should know what the makings of a soul. This is a good memory, creativity, the ability to discern and accept a wide range of shades and colors, the sense of taste and harmony, a great eye, developed imagination formed spatially creative thinking and the ability to implement his plan with the help of graphics, well worked out fine motor skills of hands.

In addition, it is necessary to possess certain personal qualities. This self-confidence, determination, patience, responsibility, focus on unconventional attitudes and values, good intuition, autonomy and independence, freedom from convention, resourcefulness and originality of thought.

If the choice of young people go onto this profession, you can finish the course designers, vocational school, technical school, college or institute. There usually are a few types of specialties: art modeling and designing clothes, seamstress, fashion design. After graduation, we can restrict the work at a garment factory. But if the ambitions are high, special attention should be paid to learning tailoring skills, then to open your business.

Tags: clothing, profession, designer, choice, course, artist, fashion designer