Human Resources Manager: how to pass an interview

Human Resources Manager: how to pass an interview
 Human Resource Management - is a science, learn that the strength is not every leader. That is why more and more companies are opening position "personnel manager". And despite the fact that the position called "young", to achieve this position is quite difficult. It turns out to be a personnel manager need only correctly and confidently pass an interview. How does this make?

At the interview, it is important to show interest in the activities of the organization, its mission, principles, corporate ethics, symbols, and other aspects. And to make it worth a few days or weeks before the interview. HR manager should possess all the information regarding the reshuffle, career opportunities, additional education of employees. In addition HR manager should be familiar with the job descriptions of each employee in the company and if he shows this awareness in the interview, the head will understand his competence and education.

Gather complete information about the organization, in which the applicant wishes to work, he will be confident. And the standard question of the employer: "Why do you want to work in our company? "During the interview such personnel manager replied:" Because I share the principles of your organization "(hereinafter referred to these principles should be described, at least in general terms). For example, the principle of the organization may be taking care of employees. This concern is manifested in the provision of travel vouchers to children of employees or by specialists in the provision of housing for the invited young professionals to support low-income families who work in the enterprise.

Similar interest the applicant must be in relation to the wishes and requirements of the head, because it is the personnel manager is considered the "right hand" of the Director, that deals with all personnel issues in the enterprise.

Respond to any professional questions as you see fit. Do not be afraid to make a mistake. In the area of ​​personnel management is no clear procedures and rules. The main thing is the desire to work for the good of the organization and its staff.

But also about their own point of view should not be forgotten. Tell the head of his plans to improve the performance of the organization. It will describe the applicant as a competent and qualified person. For example, you can offer to enter the enterprise system to encourage employees who have achieved certain results. Moreover, the promotion is not necessarily expressed in material goods.

Today there are many "moral" parameters motivation to help the workers concerned in the quality work. Those notorious board of honor are in great demand today, and many workers are proud to tell friends and relatives about the results achieved.

You can also offer to create the head of the so-called professional and psychological profile of workers who should use when making a job seeker. This "portrait" is important to reflect the skills, abilities, personal and professional business skills that will help him at work at the plant and will meet the needs of the organization.

Forget about the so-called "communication roughness." Do not argue with the head of the interview, do not interrupt it, do not be overly tightened or, conversely, are disclosed.

Only tactful calm response to questions, full attention to the speech of the head, the desire to understand him and to hear - these are the qualities that should be in any hiring manager. And of course, it is worth to watch his speech - grammatical, lexical errors, tautology and the words - parasites.

Remember that the HR manager - is a kind of "face" of the company, because with it first meets the applicant, so the impression of the organization formed the basis of this conversation. These are the main points that should be remembered every HR manager who wants to get a good position in a challenging and successful organization.

Tags: staff interview