How to write a resume schoolboy

How to write a resume schoolboy
 The word "resume" is of French origin and means "brief summary". A well crafted resume - a business card of the person who will represent it in the best light, to emphasize all the achievements. Make it difficult, is a science, but it needs to master.
 The composition of the student portfolio includes resume. It helps to choose the direction of Special Education. Although strict rules on its appearance is not provided, there are certain recommendations.

First of all, the resume should be clear, understandable and concise, ideally size should not exceed 1-2 pages. If you write it on your computer, please note the following points:

Use standard fonts Arial or Times New Roman. Avoid exotic flowery fonts of frames, vignettes, which would detract from the essence.

Break summary in the paragraphs after each indentation with the titles stand out.

Be sure to format the text and grammar check. Even one mistake can ruin a great resume.

In itself resume be sure to include the following items:

Start with your personal data. Specify the name, first name, date and place of birth, home address. Do not forget about contact telephone number and email address.

Write information about the student's parents - surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, education, occupation. Specify the composition of the family, how many children under the age of 18 they are raising.

Provide information on the place of study the student - full address, school, grade, type (profile, General Education, correction, etc.). If the student studied in several schools, be sure to write about it. In this case, better to submit this information in a table in which the first column indicates the years of training, the second - the data of each school, including postal and email address.

Be sure to include information about all the additional knowledge. May have been passed courses, seminars, make a list of them with the date of their conduct. Do not forget to mention participation in the Olympiads and achievements to them. Provide information about the awards, diplomas.

An important point is the additional information. Here, specify the level of computer skills, knowledge of languages. You can write about hobbies, hobbies, interests. This will help to know how sociable student as easily into a new team.

Tags: summaries, student