How to get a job

How to get a job
 To date, perhaps one of the most pressing issues for the working population - the problem of layoffs and cuts. In such unpleasant situations certainly raised the issue of re-employment. For those who just became an official employee or still in active search, it is important to know how to get a job.

Sadly, employers recently unwilling to comply with the legislation in employment, resulting in the "black" salaries and staff dissatisfaction. For example, the cause of one of these grievances may be the lack of agreement concluded with the employees during the trial period.

The employer may impose conditions of probation to identify relevant personnel requirements of the job, but the agreement must be concluded. The probationary period may not exceed three months, however, for senior employees, it can be extended to six months.

If you continue working after the trial period is considered that the employee has stood the test and passed in the state. As a result of dissatisfaction with the job, the employee may terminate the employment contract by notifying in writing to the head three days before departure.

The employment contract must be in writing in duplicate. One is at the head, the second - returns to the employee. At the conclusion of an agreement can not take more than 3 days.

It should be mandatory to read the full terms of the employment contract. It should be prescribed position, functions performed employee as well as the conditions of payment of wages and its size, plus bonuses, allowances and other benefits. Work and rest must also be registered in the employment contract.

It is important to look at the content of the order, made out for a job on the basis of an employment contract. The order must clearly reflect all the conditions of the treaty itself.

Knowing their responsibilities and working conditions, as well as the current legislation, an employee always notice the fraud employer. Taking in the state, the employer is obliged to provide him with a painting of internal regulations and local regulations related to employment in the organization.

Tags: work, employment, legislation