How to conduct an interview with a candidate for the position

How to conduct an interview with a candidate for the position
 Even if you are not a HR in his company, may still happen that you need to interview. What to ask the applicant? What qualities, in addition to professional, he must demonstrate? What should not be overlooked, not to hire the wrong employee? Even if you've never made before this interview, it is prepared, you can still handle it.
 Be sure to pre thoughtful questions for the interview. If a person comes to you, and you will not know what to ask him, not only can not find out the important points, but he may not want to work for you, seeing a lack of organization. And it may be that this is the specialist you are looking for. Ask directly, questions should be formulated so that people immediately understand what you mean. The most important group of questions is: 1) available to the candidate experience, 2) what is his position today, 3) all that relates to his future plans and prospects. At the same time, many overlapping and not too thoughtful questions - this is not an indicator of a well-prepared interview, rather the contrary.

Asking about the human experience, I prefer to put the question so that more could not figure that a candidate knows, and that what he was dealing with in their work. If you have several candidates for the vacancy, the most convenient - is to ask them the same questions, so you can compare their answers.

It is important to assess the human resume, well, if you have it. Carefully read it before the meeting. If there are questionable or unclear point, ask about them. For example, if a person is left with a promising high-paying job at a lower position, find out the reasons why he did it.

During the interview, you should do everything to create a relaxed atmosphere for conversation. Negotiating with the candidate when he should come, find out what time the person will be comfortable. Take a talk at least 30 minutes of time. When a candidate will be politely greeted him, introduce yourself. Do not force a person to wait, immediately begin the interview. If you understand that he is nervous, do not just think that it is unsuitable candidate. It is possible that people just really want to work in your company. In that case, ask him that preceded his current situation, about his past positions, time of study. Listen carefully to the person, do not interrupt him.

Be kind. Formulate questions so that the candidate was forced to respond as you expect. If something you do not like the answers, you do not express your disapproval directly to the interview. During the conversation, use only approving comments.

When the interview came to an end, clearly tell the applicant. When he leaves, immediately write down impressions of him. If you think about the decision later, that such records can be of great help to you.

Tags: interview, the position, the candidate holding, the applicant