Making the eyebrows are not less important than the make-up of the eyes or lips. After all, they can be used to adjust the shape of the face to give expressive look, make a brighter appearance.
But few women can boast of natural sable brows, the correct form and normal density. The most common imperfections: eyebrow different lengths, shapes, hairs grow unevenly and finally, the color is not always suited to the hue of the skin and hair.
So we have every morning to draw eyebrows almost on the line, highlight, to extend, to give bend. And it is very sad when all the works are going down the drain because of the heat and little rain.
Solve all these problems canpermanent makeup eyebrows. Using this procedure, you can forget about the tedious procedure every morning, give brows a natural look and subsequently facilitate the correction procedure. After all, excess hair will be clearly visible and you will only gently remove those that go beyond the line drawn by the master.
Permanent makeup eyebrow procedure
Before performing a master tattoo draw a sketch for you to have an idea of what kind of shape and length gain eyebrows afterpermanent make-up. At this point you should be careful, and if you do not like what you see, be sure to tell your master. After all,permanent makeup eyebrows held for about 2 years and fix something to be quite difficult.
Then, the master will choose the desired color. In a good salon, there are several tens of pigments, which are used alone or mixed, in order to color the eyebrows look as natural as possible. Typically, the wizard prompts tone about a semitone darker than you need. This should not be scared, after some time they will brighten.
If you are prone to allergic reactions, choose a plant-based pigments.
The next step is to choose artpermanent makeup eyebrows.
If eyebrows rare hairs is not enough, you will be offered a soft shading technique. If the problem is different: it is necessary to slightly change the bend or extend the eyebrows, the best fit technology "hair to hair" when the wizard carefully draws artificial hairs between your own.
Today is a very fashionable two-tone permanent makeup eyebrows. Master first removes all natural hairs, and then draw a new, using two colors. But before you decide on this, you need to think carefully whether the innovation harmoniously fit into your image.
Permanent Makeup Eyebrow considered the procedure virtually painless. In the opinion of those who decided on the procedure, this is the case. But there are salons where the eyebrows covered with anesthetic gel.
After the procedure, for about 3 days eyebrows look too bright, but it is temporary. For some more time you have to take care of the eyebrows, lubricating ointments them to recommend a master.
As after any tattoo through the crust will appear, which will go a few days. Wizards do not recommend removing it with scrubs and hard sponges. It is best to be patient and leave it at that, because after 4 weeks eyebrows will look as intended.
As sprouting hairs behind the line of tattoo they should just pull out periodically, and when the figure is still pale, you will just make a correction.
Permanent Makeup Eyebrow: cost
The procedure costs an average of 5-7 thousand rubles, depending on the cabin, permanent make-up techniques and skills of the master. There are salons that offer this service for 10-15 thousand. Some so-called "craftsmen", taking the average price, but buying such offers are not worth it.
Permanent Makeup Eyebrow: reviews
Most of the women who decided to procedure, not regret it. They note thatpermanent makeup eyebrows almost painless. However, there is a certain percentage of those who remain dissatisfied with the results and they themselves as the cause of the failure point is the wrong choice of interior: where looking for cheaper.
On reviewspermanent makeup eyebrows in cheap shops or illiterate specialist may face the following consequences:
- Damage bulbs: after tattoo natural hairs fall out in a large amount and to restore their growth requires a lot of time and treatment;
- Change over time color pigment will not finish you enjoy the new appearance as eyebrows change color to blue or, for example, green;
- Breaking the mold and the eyebrows: after the discharge of the crust, you may notice that one eyebrow shorter than the other, or different in form, if not a "two tails";
- Paint quickly washed off in a month, when the twain shall meet the crust, you'll find that with them came down and tattooing.
I would like to reiterate: Choose a good room with a good reputation! Do not skimp on beauty and health! If you have made a mistake competent wizard can help you, but sometimes highly qualified specialists is powerless to correct those arts that have already been made layman.
And yet another time. Before you sign up for the procedure make sure to check contraindications.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady