Not every woman knows how to apply castor oil. In fact, it's simple. Thoroughly rinse the container and brush of mascara used and pour it in castor oil. Apply it on the lashes using the brush is very convenient. To date, some manufacturers produce oil in a bottle with brush and with the addition of vitamins that make the procedure more efficient.
If we combine castor oil with peach and almond, you get a mixture that will prevent loss of eyelashes and considerably accelerate their growth. If your eyes are watery and often sensitive to cosmetics, it is recommended to apply oil only on the tips of lashes, it will spread itself over the entire length of each hair and soaked it.
Apply the oil on a daily basis on the tips of the middle or eyelashes, leave on for fifteen minutes. Before starting the procedure, clean the eye make-up and dry thoroughly. After time, remove excess oil cosmetic disc, continue with the treatment of eyelashes for a month. Then take a break and resume the procedure, but it should be applied castor oil twice a week.
For quality care for eyelashes can safely mix castor oil with other ingredients and oils. Thus, for example, to impart a velvety eyelashes and ensuring good nutrition, add oil to castor oil solution of vitamin E or A (on three drops of castor oil - one drop of vitamin).
Mix grapeseed oil with castor oil, add the almond oil, linseed oil and wheat germ oil in equal proportions (eg, teaspoon). Pour the resultant composition in a glass container with a lid. Use a mixture of oils to enhance, and power lash once a day, three times a week.
Castor oil in combination with burdock is an excellent tool not only to strengthen the lashes, but also for removing makeup. In this case, you get a double benefit - care and cleansing. Add to the mix a few drops of aloe juice, you get a balm that should be applied daily to the eyelashes with a brush or brush for a month.