How to make tattoo

How to make tattoo
 Reduce the tattoo in one sitting is not possible, you will need a two- or even three-time visit to the master. There are many ways to reduce the tattoo, which makes it possible to choose the most affordable.
 Many craftsmen working in the field of application of the tattoo without the proper knowledge and equipment, offer the most simple, but unfortunately, the wrong way to change low-quality tattoo for the better - to make the "overlap". This method consists in the fact that the old paint is applied tattoo white or flesh-colored. The result of this "correction" looks acceptable maximum month. After this time, skin color turns into a dirty yellow, and old paint begins to emerge.

The most unpleasant consequences of such a result - bright paint is not removed by laser. In this case, will only expensive plastic surgery.

A popular way of removing tattoo eyebrows and lips is peeling and mikrodermabratsiya. Pigment removal is due to skin renewal. However, such procedures can not get rid of the tattoo lash line. This will require laser resurfacing and rejuvenation. In that case, if the tattoo is made from natural pigments, the camera flash is easy to destroy it. To carry out these procedures, refer to a good beautician or natural medicine clinic.

The most gentle method of tattoo removal is its excretion via neodymium laser generating short pulses. Permanent tattoo removal is performed in the same manner that you would with tattoos, but at a lower power. For one procedure complete bleaching of the pigment can not be achieved, it will require four to seven sessions. The use of neodymium laser is completely safe and virtually painless. At the site of the former tattoo scars will remain, and complete healing occurs within four to ten days.

Deciding to tattoo, think hundred times. After one unsuccessful motion wizard can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Tags: peeling, removal, tattoo, method, deducing