
 Toning - is the use of tinting agents: transparent cream or emulsion, which give the skin a certain color. They are well concealed minor flaws and make the color more even. Toners are always applied over day cream. It is made up of fat, moisture, powder and pigments, as well as nutrients and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation substances. With a properly sized and carefully applied to the skin tone means you can hide the roughness, spots, pimples, irritated areas and even small scars.

In category Beauty: Nail Forms

Makeup artists say cream foundation makeup. It is indispensable. If the skin is a beautiful smooth tone, the person will become healthy. On such a skin lipstick and eye shadow look more beautiful. At carelessly covered with skin tone cream or completely without eye makeup and lip quickly becomes colorless and slovenly.

Choosing the correct tone means a wide range of hampers and many names. Means differ primarily by its consistency, and as a result, the degree of transparency. Light, liquid foundation contains a lot of fat and moisture, but little powder and pigments, so little camouflage imperfections of the skin. In more dense, compact tone means a lot of powder and pigments. They hide minor flaws better.

Foundations for different skin types.

Buying a foundation, we must first know your skin type. Hue is also important person. Of course, you need to assess the condition of your skin, see the small flaws. Next, we present 25 important recommendations.

-For Oily skin is best suited liquid foundation (in glass jars or bottles) they contain little fat, but a lot of very fine powder. This powder absorbs from the surface of the skin and excess sebum for a long time making it smooth and silky-matte. Optimal product with extracts of seeds of quince and liquorice. They nourish and protect the skin while regulating sebum. In addition, liquid tone cream coated with a thin layer of skin. It becomes dull, its surface slightly leveled.

-For Inflamed skin with coarse pores and pimples best to use tonal powder or compact powder (sold usually in powder box). They contain more pigments and powders, other than the tonal resources, so cover the skin more dense layer. With their help, you can easily hide the rough places. For this skin type is very good special products that contain microscopic grains of powder. These cosmetics are distributed on the surface of the skin very evenly, without accumulating around the pores. As a result, the pores become lighter and less noticeable. The complexion appears more delicate. Of great importance are contained therein and antimicrobial agents such as philodendron extract. Thanks to them, pimples, blackheads and comedones heal faster, preventing the emergence of new inflammatory sites. Tonal powder and pressed powder applied cosmetic sponge. Foundation lies more evenly if sponge slightly moisten.

-For Dry sensitive skin ideal creams (sold mostly in vials). They contain a relatively large amount of fat and moisture as well as nutritional supplements such as vitamins A and E. well proven cosmetics with hyaluronic acid. It is a long time keeps moisture in the skin and prevents drying makeup. Skin looks "volume" and more elastic. Creams covered with a dense layer of skin is enough and almost completely conceal the red spots and dots. Tone cream or rubbing with your fingertips or a makeup sponge moistened with a finely porous.

-For Mature skin with more or less deep wrinkles better to take liquid tone cream (usually sold in jars or vials). He evens the complexion, at the same time increases the elasticity of the skin and intensively nourishes it. Novelty has become liquid creams with pigments, prisoners in a moist membrane. This shell prevents the settling of pigments within the wrinkles that can occur when applying conventional makeup and looks very ugly. Superbly have proven drugs with chitin or wheat proteins. studies have shown that these substances enhance the fabric and make mature skin more elastic and resistant to external influences. Liquid creams have the consistency of a thick liquid and is usually applied with your fingertips. They cover the skin more or less dense layer.

-For Normal skin tone enough day cream. We are talking about an ordinary day cream, enriched with pigments. If you are by nature relatively smooth complexion, you will be satisfied with this tool. For daytime makeup modest enough tonal day cream gives the skin a gentle person transparent color. In addition, creams contain nutritional supplements. But for a bright evening make-up day cream tone will be too transparent.

Color tone funds must be compatible with your complexion. Foundation should not change your natural color, but only make it more beautiful. Buying a tonal tool, ask for a sample. Do not check the color, as recommended earlier in the crook of the elbow. It is better to apply a tonal tool for unpainted face: part on the chin, some on the cheeks. This test is called the breakdown specialists foundation. Wait 10 minutes. Almost every tonal tool for this time a little darker. Buy a cream shade of which 10 minutes is closest to your natural complexion.

Recommendations for applying the cream.

-Before You apply foundation, spread the skin day cream and let it soak well (at least 5 minutes). Remnants of cream blot with paper towels.

-Tonalnoe Means apply a circular motion from the center to the periphery. If you do it in the opposite direction, large pores and wrinkles absorb too much make-up and will be clearly visible.
Recommendations for applying tone and equipment (continued)

-For Day makeup is enough to cover only the central areas of the face and spread the remains of foundation toward the periphery.

-Never Put on face cream in large chunks, inflicting his small polka dots. So the paint distributed more evenly and will look more natural.

-Be Careful with tonal means explicit brown. easy to succumb to the desire to look healthy and tanned. However, the makeup is not intended for this purpose. If natural complexion even slightly different from the tone means the whole face will look blotchy or like a mask. Use of tonal resources of brown shades can be only if you are very tanned.

Anniversary use tool with a degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation, ranging from 8 and above. It is for many hours will block the negative impact of sunlight.

-Do Makeup as possible in daylight. He clearly identify ace error. If your bathroom only artificial lighting, be sure to check the tone cream in daylight.
If you use a tone cream powder, you need a cosmetic sponge. Note the material from which the sponge is made. The best are cosmetic sponges from natural rubber. They are flexible and finely porous. Use a sponge immediately rinse with warm water and dry. Otherwise, it will be a lot to pathogens.

-If Your usual make-up seems somewhat harsh and artificial, try to mix on the outside of the palm of a small portion of foundation with a moisturizing cream with liquid in a ratio of one to one. The mixture was wet sponge, apply on the face. The skin will look almost not made up, but will get a very nice fresh and smooth shine.

-If You now look paler than usual, tonal tool may be too dark. Try to mix it in a small bowl with a special white tone cream and choose a suitable color.
Red "nodules" or spots on the skin before applying the usual tone funds cover the special masking cream green. It put a very thin layer and rubbed into the skin, patting lightly with your fingers. Optically green neutralizes red. If it cause dense tonal cream powder skin color from red dots and the heel will be over.

-For Women who are not able to correct makeup during the day, perfect "indelible" cosmetics. Because of such a special tone means hold at least 12 hours and well fixed on the skin. From them without leaving marks on clothing. However, the use of this tool is not as easy. You must learn to apply it immediately evenly. Corrections are excluded. Exactly one minute indelible foundation is strong, like a second skin.

-Sometimes Face, despite the toning looks tired and sluggish. In this case, first apply a liquid from a vial, which give the skin elasticity, and after it - foundation. The combination of these products will give your skin the "energy" boost. The skin becomes taut and toned. However, ampoules should be used only in exceptional cases - in addition they are quite expensive.

-very Dry skin with scaly patches - poor basis for toning. In most cases, makes fat cream. It is applied to the face with circular movements from the bottom up. Then you have to wait 5 minutes and apply a light moisturizer. Rub it into the skin light patting movements. Now the skin "saturated", no more flakes and it can cover even layer tonal means.

-Zatonirovav Face, hide little pimples and red spots concealer or cream. Cover them with a very thin layer. Tiny "pea" masking agent rub the skin light patting movements. Then gently pat the place a damp cosmetic sponge that there was no noticeable color transitions.

Off-road, but very effective means of shimmering tonal contain so-called optical pigments scatter light. Typically, the light is reflected only in one direction, emphasizing the structure of the skin, wrinkles and roughness. Thanks to the optical pigments acting on the principle of the prism, the light is scattered in different directions. As a result, there is an effect of "soft letters." Features seem less strained, his face looks fresh and radiant. These funds are the tonal consistency of a thick liquid, and either mixed with ordinary cosmetics, or applied separately.

-Zakonchiv Makeup, carefully blot with a towel cosmetic bordering the hair the face and lower parts of the cheeks and chin, so that surplus cosmetics were not included on the collar or hair.

Professional makeup artists makeup ready sprinkle a small amount of mineral water (via atomizer). So makeup is particularly well recorded in the skin and looks soft and natural.

Tags: cream