For the application of most decorative cosmetics brushes are used. Makeup Brushes come in different sizes, different shapes can be produced from different materials. What are the makeup brushes and how to make the right choice, providing the best results.
Primarily, different brush size. Big wide brush designed for applying powder, blush and tonal framework. They should be fluffy and wide, that was not visible boundaries applying cosmetics. There is also a fine brush to apply lipstick, gloss and liquid shadows. These brushes are, on the contrary, must be compact and smooth to cosmetics lay flat, and had the opportunity to draw a clear straight line.
Makeup brush may be manufactured from synthetic and natural materials. For liquid assets, such as lip gloss, lipstick, cream better suited artificial hand, they will not absorb funds and will last you longer. For powdery substances such as powder, eye shadow, blush is better to choose natural materials. They ensure a smooth application of makeup, no skin irritation, and the feeling will be much nicer.
Whichever brush you choose, it should be soft enough not to scratch the skin. Microtrauma from hard brushes can cause inflammation and allergic reactions, provoke hit cosmetics under the skin and cause infection.
Brush selection largely depends on the condition of the skin. There are people with problem skin prone to irritation and inflammation. This skin is better not to touch, applying all cosmetics brushes. Sponges tend to absorb the cream and can eventually become a source of bacteria. People with skin problems need a brush made of synthetic materials, so they can be washed often.
We should also talk about a brush for eye makeup. As a rule, the shadows are sold with applicators, but it is not the best option applying eye makeup. Applicators scratch the skin, desiccate it, stretch and cause the appearance of wrinkles and irritation. The shade is better to put narrow dense brush of soft natural cloth with rounded edges. To draw arrows and create contrasting images suitable multilayer rigid brush pile with a beveled edge.
Makeup Brushes require constant care, only in this case, your makeup will be smooth, natural, and, most importantly, safe. Brushes should be cleaned regularly with shampoo or liquid soap. No need to razlohmachivat brush, rubbing the pile, enough to put detergent, lightly ironed hair and rinse well under running water. Dry the brush in vivo in a horizontal position.