If you want to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, you can use a pencil. It should be sharp and not too soft consistency. If the pencil began to melt in the summer, put it on a few minutes in the refrigerator. For a natural makeup Choose a pencil brown shade suitable for your skin tone. For more bright - black or liquid liner. It may also be appropriate color, matching the shade shadows. Draw the line as close to the lashes from the inner corner to the outer. The lower eyelid is not outlined or drawn starting from the center.
To soften the line blend her narrow beveled brush. At the same time, you can apply a little shadow of the same color directly on the line.
Application method shadows forever dependent on the type of cosmetics. Creamy scoop finger and gently rub on the skin crisp dial brush and compressed - applicator. In the "classical" make-up used three shades. Apply the lightest on the mobile eyelid at the inner corner. At the center - more intense, and the darkest - at the outer corner of the eye. The boundary between the layers carefully shaded.
Complete makeup mascara. Comb the lashes before applying her brush. Then clean the brush of excess mascara, otherwise there will be lumps. Place the brush to the roots of lashes and swipe up slightly shifted to the right and left. Wait until the first coat has dried, then gently apply a second fast motion without moving the brush.
Eyeliner pencil can be done on the outside and on the inside of the lower eyelid. In the first case, the eyes will appear more. In the second make-up will be more vivid, and look - expressive.