Such a method of hair removal is one of the oldest and the fact that it is still used even in the most prestigious beauty salons, evidence of its undoubted advantages. The method avoids the disadvantages of processing eyebrow tweezers, when you can easily damage the hair follicle and cause inflammation, although it is painful.
Preparation for the procedure is to remove residues of cosmetics and disinfection of areas to be treated. It is necessary to expand a little pores, enhancing blood circulation, and therefore should be applied to the eyebrows swab dipped in hot water. Then dry the skin and lubricate its emollient composition - so you can facilitate the removal of the hair and make the procedure less painful. Another variant preparation - cooling tissue by ice.
Thread for hair removal should be cotton, so it does not slide off the hair and securely attached. From it makes a small loop, placed there hair and sharply twisting thread, pulled it. For the successful implementation of motion requires a certain skill, so the development of the method takes time. For once, you can not grab one hair, and a number, so the correction of eyebrows in this way takes less time. Especially convenient removal of unwanted vegetation above the eyebrows. After the procedure, the eyebrows are sharper, the line becomes more expressive and accurate.
After the completion of the process of removing the hair, the skin should be disinfected with special formulations.
Try a new method of hair removal is better in the salon by a professional master, who will show and explain the technique of the procedure. Independent experiments is better to start after it becomes clear how spinning yarn to form loops, because it is a basic tool in removing superfluous hair this way.
The following procedure can be carried out one month later - it would not be a sensible, but it is necessary to consolidate the results. Over time, the hairs become thinner and softer, so deleting them is even easier.