The procedure itself is not complicated, more difficult is the process of courting his lips after it. Two or three days after the procedure on your lips will be noticeable slight swelling, but a few days later they formed a crust, which gradually disappears. After the tattoo, you should carefully monitor their face: in any case, do not wash it with soap and water; clean face is better with warm boiled water to avoid getting germs; the treatment site should be liberally lubricate the special healing cream 2 times a day. In the recovery period is better to refrain from visiting saunas, baths, pool, gym and open water. You should always avoid direct sunlight.
Until complete recovery to exclude alcoholic and hot drinks. It is not recommended at this time to apply cosmetics. You can not under any circumstances to steam lips and comb them. Keep it wet crust and do not remove it ahead of time. If you prevents it strongly, it can be mitigated by applying a simple cosmetic cream or oil in small quantities.
If a week after the procedure, your lips are not as perfect as you imagine they were not frightened. In 70% of cases after tattoo lip lines do not have a clear form and require additional correction. It all depends on the characteristics of your skin.
Full recovery will come in two weeks. Permanent makeup served to you as long as possible, do not forget to put on lip firming cream that contains SPF-protection. To achieve good results, you should follow all instructions beautician. Tattooing can stay on the lips to 7 years.