Since the condition of the skin depends on the internal environment of the body, especially from the gastrointestinal tract, conduct its purification. Among the variety of ways to choose a more acceptable - diet, fasting or flushing with enemas. Do not forget to then restore the intestinal microflora. In addition, within 2-3 months, take vitamins and eat only vegetarian food. Replace sugar with honey mixed with dried fruits, nuts and lemon. Drink plenty of healthy drinks - broth hips, green tea and pure water.
To improve the blood supply to the skin and smoothing nasolabial folds pass rate paraffin. This procedure can perform and at home. Melted in a water bath and brought to 100 ° C until the wax cool 50-55oS, apply three layers on its area of wrinkles, cover oilcloth, cotton towel and apply a bandage or fix. Keep at it, so that the muscles were relaxed. After 20 minutes, remove the wax and moisturize skin cream. For best results, combine paraffin treatment with other facial rejuvenation techniques, such as massage, gymnastics and various masks.
Face masks do 1-2 times a week, and massage and gymnastics - daily after applying the cream. Attach index fingers to the nasolabial fold and 8-10 smile. Several times inflate voltage cheeks. To enhance the load on muscles grab the bottle mouth (0, 5 L) filled with water 3-5 times and lift the (possible) to fatigue feeling. In conclusion, make circular movements of the lips. During the massage, choose a direction from the nasolabial folds to the temples. But not to stretch the skin even more follow it carefully.
If all the measures taken do not give a positive result, pay attention to your health. Often wrinkles around the mouth appear in violation of the nervous and digestive systems. In this case, only the restoration of their normal activities will help to remove the nasolabial folds.