How to reduce the nose with makeup

How to reduce the nose with makeup
 Not every woman can decide on rhinoplasty, as big or ugly nose can cause the formation of an inferiority complex, which prevents live a full life. Visually correct proportions of the nose helps the clever use of makeup products.
 To correct the shape of the nose, you will need thick concealer that matches in color with a touch of your skin, and two tube of cream on a lighter tone and a tone darker than the main. Visually reduce the nose and make it longer will the following method - put on the back of the nose bridge of the nose and the brightest correcting means, and on the sides seal the skin a darker shade. Correction should be applied after you toned face cream base.

Long nose corrected dimming its tip - Apply with a sponge a little dark foundation on the tip of his nose, his blend well, and the upper part of the nose near the bridge highlight light tone.

If your nose is too stands out, but it has a regular shape, just zatoniruyte his tone cream on one shade darker than your basic foundation.

Always apply a correcting means wet sponge. So busy tone cream is easier to distribute, and you will be able to shade the border to make the transition invisible. Once you will attach the desired shades, a person must be treated layer of transparent loose powder.

To divert attention from the non-ideal nose, drawing it to other parts of the face - to highlight the eyebrows, draw a blush, right zagrimiruyte lips. Emphasizing the cheekbones, be careful with the color - choose bronze or reddish hues. If your nose is big, the slim and straight brows bright colors give the person somewhat stupid expression and certainly attract attention to his nose. Prefer the curved shape of the eyebrows or pluck them right semicircle - the color of the hair should be rich, dark.

Distract attention from the nose and big eyes - to highlight their contrasting shades (light shades from the nose and under the eyebrows, dark on the upper eyelid), thick mascara or false eyelashes. Emphasis on the lips will also help to correct non-ideal features - make your lips plump and exciting using surround shine.

Pay attention to the hairstyle. If the shape of your haircut involves the allocation of bangs, make sure that it was a short, rare or asymmetrical. Open forehead visually reduces the nose and lush fringe makes a great nose even bigger.

Tags: shape, nose, makeup, help