But from the aging process no one is immune. And one of its manifestations is ptosis - drooping tissues. Stop this process is impossible, but you can slow it down. To do this, you need to perform certain exercises for the face. It will help strengthen the muscles of the face and maintain skin in the "right position." Each exercise is performed 10 times.
Place the index fingers on the nasolabial folds from the nostrils to the chin. Smile and feel the fingers resist when raised cheek. Place the thumbs up in the corners of the mouth, and the index on the outer corners of the eyes. Briefly say "u" sound and feel the resistance of the thumb. Such exercises for the face, it is desirable to perform daily. And in conjunction with a properly chosen departure it will help prevent further deepening of the nasolabial folds.
A similar effect has and facial massage. Cosmetologist "force" to work your muscles. But this is only for experienced. Otherwise, you can stretch the skin and muscles that nasolabial folds become more pronounced.
There are more radical ways to address this shortcoming. One of these is the contour correction. It is performed with a special gel - filler which is administered directly to the folds. He fills the volume of tissue. Due to this topography aligned. The basis of these formulations is hyaluronic acid, which provides a good compatibility with human tissues. Drug selection performed by a doctor depending on the characteristics of the patient's skin. Validity of products from 6 to 12 months.
In some cases, correction of nasolabial folds are not using cosmetics. Malocclusion can cause premature wrinkling. In this case it is necessary to consult a doctor orthodontist.