How to raise the corners of her mouth

How to raise the corners of her mouth
 The problem of drooping corners of the lips women face in two cases: when such a mouth shape given to them from birth (in physiognomy, the term "fish" mouth), and when the corners of his mouth dropped with age, due to the weakening of the facial muscles that support them. Lift the corners of her mouth can, following the advice.
 To dramatically affect the shape of the mouth, perform special exercises for the face. Fold the lips as you do, when dissatisfied with something, but are forced to accept. Not clutching teeth and maintaining regular breathing, tighten the corners of the mouth. Imagine being sucked back teeth to two slices of lemon. Place the tip of your forefinger on the corners of the mouth and imagine how they alternately rise, then fall. Pulsating movements, small amplitude, corners of the mouth to move rapidly up and down. Please note that during the entire exercise lips remain tense.

Such gymnastics well strengthen the facial muscles that support the corners of the mouth. She will have a remarkable effect is in the case of age-related changes. If you find in yourself enough willpower to perform the exercises twice a day for 1-2 minutes, a couple of months the result will make you happy.

Those women, who form the mouth with drooping corners given by nature, it is recommended to use the opportunities the right makeup. Contour on the upper lip, apply so slightly "cut" of its corners. Do not lead the line circuit to the edges of the mouth. Focus on the lower lip, having made up her little brighter than the top. To visually raise the corners of her mouth, bring the loop on the lower lip down to its edges and even a bit further up. In the middle of the lower lip, apply a little glitter.

Finally, any and all women can give a simple but effective advice. The position depends on the corners of the mouth to experience emotions. Try to remember all the time about something pleasant or amusing, and the corners of your lips will always lifted into a half smile.

Tags: face, lip, company, area, make-up, gymnastics