Correction of nasolabial folds
Contour Correction - A set of cosmetic procedures to smooth wrinkles and changes in the volume and shape of the lips. It is made by means of injection under the skin in problem areas of special preparations. As a result, wrinkles and nasolabial folds are straightened, smoothed, and the person whose contour becomes different, just look years younger.
Performcontour plastic Experienced specialists of plastic and aesthetic surgery. They make microinjection special gels - synthetic, semi-synthetic and natural fillers. The most lasting effect are synthetic and semi-synthetic fillers. However, they can cause allergies, with time the skin is not displayed and in some cases may contribute to limfodenitov and dermatitis.
Natural fillers - Surzhiderm, Perlane, Restylane. - Made of hyaluronic acid. This acid is one of the elements of the chemical composition of human skin, so it gels do not cause allergies and rejection. Completely dissolve them about a year after the procedure.
The choice of drug for the correction of nasolabial folds should reins on the basis of analyzes. This takes into account the condition of the skin, the patient's age and other individual characteristics of a person. For example, many doctors opt for Perlayn whencorrection of nasolabial folds be older people, since the concentration of the hyaluronic acid it is more saturated.
Often enough to tweak wrinkles or creases running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips, face and people are significantly younger, without requiring any other intervention.
Correction of nasolabial folds painless, takes about half an hour and is performed on an outpatient basis. It does not leave any bruises, bruises, swelling. Pronounced traces of injections also usually not observed. Fillers are introduced through the microneedle directly in place of the crease under the skin or wrinkles. The face is smoothed after gel fills the crack. Rejuvenation effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure. The final result contouring will appear in about a week. Throughout this period you can not do a facial massage. In addition, for greater effect, it will need to shelter from direct sunlight.
As a rule, women do not adjust the shape of the lips at the same time or plastic lips with contouring nasolabial folds. Simultaneously with these procedures can remove wrinkles from his forehead, around the eyelids, which contributes to more efficient alignment of the contour lines of the face.
Any of the following procedures must be repeated after about a year. However, in some cases, the result of rejuvenation disappears after three - four months after contouring. Sometimes appear when this swelling and redness of the skin usually disappear quickly.
Despite the seeming simplicity of contouring - is a complex procedure that requires a doctor's highest professionalism. When unprofessional interference or poor injection under the skin gel or other drugs fix the damage requires a complex surgical intervention. To avoid unpleasant linings and fraud should contact the professional beauty clinics and centers.
Modern technologies of rejuvenation
There are other simple techniques of facial rejuvenation. For example, when using a microinjection Enter drug Botox and Dysport, wrinkle smoothing effect is achieved by mikroparalicha facial muscles. A lipofilling involves injection under the skin of the substrate's own fatty tissue. This procedure is much more difficult to execute and requires a long rehabilitation period - about a month.
With regard to the newest methods of rejuvenation, that they include endoscopic face lift, eyelid transconjunctival, gold thread implantation technique, S-lift face and neck. These methods are much more complicated and expensive contouring nasolabial folds. In addition, the rehabilitation after them often requires a fairly long period of hospitalization. Therefore, the correction of nasolabial folds, which is low-impact technology has over other technologies, some of the benefits. However, how to look younger, each of us chooses itself. The main thing - to feel attractive and full of energy.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady