If you have wide-set eyes, then your primary goal - to visually shorten the distance between them. For this it is necessary to focus on the inside of the eye. On a small area under the eyebrow apply a light tone to the entire eyelid - the main, darker shadows walk on the lash line the inner corner of the eye. Eyelashes this corner must be carefully paint over.
If you have close-set eyes, you need to separate them visually. To do this, experts advise to allocate the outer part of the eye. Light tone applied to the entire eyelid, inner corner of the eye to allocate more light tone. Darker shade shadows the outer part of the eye. Along the lash line, you can draw an arrow, expanding to an end and slightly raised up.
If you have deep-set eyes, you can fix it by means of light glare. To do this, apply lighter shades on the inner corners of the eyes, and dark tone to emphasize the fold lines century. The same shade you need to go through the growth of the upper and lower lashes.
If you have eyes with hanging lids, then you need to try to divert attention from the latter. The main secret - a shade darker tones on the fold lines the eyelids. You can still add some shade under the brow.
If you are the owner of eyes with flat lids, then you need a good light to emphasize the shape of the eyes. It should be emphasized as the eyelids and eyebrows.
If you have round eyes, they are the easiest to bring to the ideal form - almond. You just need to draw the outline with a pencil century, while in the corners of the eyes without connecting lines. Color pencil must not be too dark.