To stimulate the growth of their own eyelashes are considered excellent means of burdock or castor oil. They perfectly nourish lashes, prevent hair loss, as well as make them more fluffy.
They can be applied with a brush from the old carcasses. Wash it and the bottle and fill it with oil. Can be applied with a cotton means a disc, preferably overnight. The main thing - to be careful that it does not hit the mucous membranes of the eyes. Therefore, 15 minutes after applying the oil, wipe the eyelashes dry cotton swab.
The first results of the use of castor oil and burdock will be visible after two weeks of daily treatments. Useful for eyelashes are also sea buckthorn and olive oil.
Eyelashes grow and help compress on the basis of broth or chamomile flowers of cornflower. To prepare the broth 1 tablespoon plants pour a glass of boiled water, infused for days and decant. Abundantly soaked in the resulting solution is applied to cotton pads and eyelashes eyelids for 15-20 minutes. This procedure also helps to eliminate syndrome tired eyes.
Very useful for eyelash massage century. It improves blood circulation locally and cell respiration, stimulates the growth of eyelashes. For massage, you can use a mixture of 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, ½ tsp aloe juice and a bit of parsley juice. Massaged her eyelids, gently rubbing tool to the lash line.
In folk medicine, there is a set of masks for the growth of eyelashes. One of the most effective is considered a mask consisting of 1 tablespoon castor oil, 1 tsp aloe juice and a few drops of oil solution of vitamin A. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the eyelashes for 2-3 hours before bedtime. After this time, the remains should be removed by means of dry cotton swab.
All of the above procedures take a minimum of time. However, they are helping to restore eyelashes and make them longer and more voluminous in a relatively short period of time.