Firstly, it is necessary to give the correct shape corresponding to the oval shape of your face and eyes.
Secondly, to make clearer and more expressive eyebrows, they can be painted. You can tint eyebrows daily with a light pencil, and you can use paint, and get a more stable and long-lasting coloring eyebrows. Make it possible both in the salon and at home, alone. Buy paint for the eyebrows can be today in any cosmetic shop.
Crucial moment - the choice of paint color for eyebrows. It should be 1-2 shades darker hair color, and 1-2 shades lighter lashes. In no case can not use hair dye, as it is much more aggressive on the skin, and you run the risk of irritation around the eyes.
Before you use the paint for the eyebrows, it must be tested on the skin. To do this, apply a little of the crook of the elbow or earlobe, if during the day inflammation does not appear, it means that the paint can be safely used on the face.
In addition to paint, coloring process you also need fat cream and cotton swabs (if in a set of paint was not a special device).
Before you begin painting, lubricate the skin around the eyebrows cream. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the paint and start to put on makeup eyebrow its end at the same time try not to go beyond the contours. If the paint still gets on your skin, apply a cream to this place and wipe with a cotton swab. In the same way, both paint the eyebrows.
Staining usually takes 5-15 minutes, depending on how intense the color you want to receive. After the procedure, the paint must be removed with a cotton pad soaked in water and thoroughly wash the area around the eyes.
Remember that paint the eyebrows are not recommended more than 1 time per month.