Fortunately, now no one uses white clay as a powder and not poison yourself white lead, to give a person an "interesting pallor." Today, more fashionable, natural and medical cosmetics.
Today, in order to create a make-up corresponding to the fashion trends, you can not do without a good foundation and powder.
Yet modern science alternative to powder and foundation can imagine. These cosmetics are the foundation makeup. They are used to equalize the skin, make it soft and velvety. Developed many varieties of powder and foundation: crumbly and compact powder, matting or moisturizer.
But the skin look smooth and velvety, it is necessary to choose the right foundation makeup - powder or foundation.
All you need to do - to know your skin type.
For oily skin is best suited liquid foundation, they contain little fat, but a lot of very fine powder. This powder absorbs from the surface of the skin and excess sebum for a long time makes the skin smooth and silky-matte. In addition, liquid tone cream coated with a thin layer of skin. It becomes dull, its surface slightly leveled.
Tonal cream covered with a dense layer of skin is enough and almost completely conceal the red spots and dots.
For dry, sensitive skin creams ideal they contain relatively high in fat and moisture as well as nutritional supplements such as vitamins A and E.
Well proven cosmetics with hyaluronic acid. It is a long time keeps moisture in the skin and prevents drying makeup.
For normal skin tone enough day cream. We are talking about an ordinary day cream, enriched with pigments. If you are by nature relatively smooth complexion, you will be satisfied with this tool. But for a bright evening make-up day cream tone will be too transparent.
The structure of modern powders and creams often include nutrients and vitamins, tones the skin, with antioxidants and tkaneukreplyayuschie compositions with lifting effect, perfumes and sweet enticing aromas. Talk about them not only as the "beginning" of makeup, but also as a final touch of morning procedures for skin care.
Every year, the leading cosmetic companies produce to the market "improved" version of their last year's "new and improved" lipsticks, tonal foundation, powder and creams. And we buy into their advertising, although our cosmetic bags filled with tubes and bubbles that often we do not use for a long time.
When choosing a foundation, pay attention not only on the quality of the cream on your skin type, as well as lifestyle.
When buying cream is better to try it on the skin of the chin or on the inside of the wrist.
It is better to opt for a cream foundation that contains sunscreen. This will protect the skin from external environmental influences.
If possible, you need to have in the arsenal of several types of foundation. Summer: cream matifikator, absorbing fat excretion. It is better if they are creams two shades: the summer tans the skin, it is necessary to change the tone; when severe fatigue, and need to look good: creme unifier, smoothing wrinkles, evens the complexion; for the evening - pink; afternoon - a natural shade.
Qualitative foundation shall consist of natural and synthetic components that contribute to the fact that it lies flat, smooth and was invisible. These fats and oils, waxes and waxy substances, emulsifiers, preservatives and antioxidants that prevent cosmetics spoil prematurely.
If we talk about fashion trends in make-up, it's hot concealer that is slightly lighter than the skin, creating the effect of transparency and does not form a dense mask on her face.
Foundation cream, however, as other means of makeup has certain rules applying to the skin. Before applying foundation cream, day cream Spread your skin and give it a good soak. Remnants of cream blot with paper towels. Foundation, apply a circular motion from the center to the periphery. If you do it in the opposite direction, large pores and wrinkles absorb too much make-up and will be clearly visible. When finished with the base cream, skin necessarily pripudrivayut.
With regard to the powder, it can be of several types:
Loose powder is suitable for any tonal resources and well absorbed. The best thing for her application to use a wide brush. So layer of powder is thinner, more uniform, and the movement will be more accurate. Loose powder is ideal to complete the makeup.
Pressed powder is more practical, it is easy to take with you without risk to powder the whole bag. It is indispensable in order to refresh makeup throughout the day, make the skin matte again when she began to shine. Pressed powder contains a lot of fat, and especially recommended for women with dry skin.
Antiseptic powder is indispensable in various inflammations of the skin, as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents.
Powder in the form of multi-colored balls gives the skin a fresh, has a very light, almost imperceptible texture. Particles of powder are mixed, and do the skin more smooth, without revealing the secret of applying powder. Apply it is usually thick brush.
Shimmering powder contains particles that reflect light, looks good only with artificial lighting or candlelight. In daylight it looks unnatural. Therefore only suitable for a romantic rendezvous.
The main thing that should be considered when choosing powder - color and skin type. So compact powder makes the complexion a little darker, so if you can not buy powdered colors corresponding to the color of their skin, it is best to choose a lighter. Otherwise, the face will be highlighted all the flaws - wrinkles, roughness.
For oily and combination skin suit matting powder, and dry - moisturizing powder with oily texture or cream powder. Do not forget to wash the sponge or brush that you use for the application of colors, at least once a month. After all particles cosmetics - a good environment for the development of bacteria.
Apply make-up should be based on lighting. Under artificial lighting is necessary to consider the impact of the light source and the color of the surrounding space.
The optimal conditions for applying makeup - evenly lit white walls and fixtures daylight on both sides of the mirror.
When you create a make-up should also take into account the tone of the situation of the place where you are going. In warm shades of light color foundation makeup - powder or foundation may be more similar to the pink and gray. In cold light lamps makeup will look warm.
As you can see, have a radiant face and velvety skin to be beautiful and stylish look, perhaps, not only in his youth. You just have to know how to "do" his face and correctly apply the desired tonal means by which the application can be adjusted oval face: to lose weight without fitness and exercise or better. Fashion is always varied and allows for experimentation and fantasy make-up individually. Importantly, do not forget that you - the only one.
Alexander Yadryshnikova