Makeup lesson: red lipstick

Makeup lesson: red lipstick
 Red lipstick is the one luxury that not every woman can afford. Someone on the grounds that it is too bright, someone just does not want to attract attention, but there are those who simply do not know how to correctly pick-up at such a bold shade of lipstick. But you must admit that it is an undisputed classic makeup. Lip gloss or glitter - all incoming and outgoing. Red lipstick in any case give the image of sexuality and a special charm. That is why, even though sometimes allow yourself to be worn on the lips this enticing color.
 Red lipstick has many shades. For any woman can find "their" shade of red. When it is selected, it is important to take into account the color of skin and hair. Owners pale skin suit absolutely any shade of red lipstick. Swarthy must adhere to the rules that the darker complexion, the more saturated colors should be lipstick. Burning brunette fits more vivid, rich and mellow tone of red, such as plum or fuchsia. These shades will make a dark-haired woman more attractive and spectacular. It is not recommended to scarlet lipstick for brunettes, especially with dark skin, had a gold or copper tone, otherwise the person will give an unhealthy yellowish.

Blondes better to abandon the bright red lipstick to avoid vulgar kind. In addition, the blonde woman with extreme caution must be taken to light pink tone, because it can make the image too ugly and dull. Perfect red lipstick shades for blondes are pink and peach.

Having decided to use red lipstick thing to remember is that it always focuses on the lips, therefore, make up the rest, especially the day, to be done in soothing tones. Minimum of shadows, a little mascara and well-decorated eyebrows - this will be enough. In the make-up for the evening is permissible to use saturated shade and direct black arrows.

Application of this lipstick on her lips - a real art. Makeup artists recommend to adhere to the following rules:

- Before using red lipstick, it is desirable to make easy peeling lips. It reveals any imperfections, and chapped and rough lips are not the best basis for this lipstick;

- Seductive lips acquire volume and color lie straighter if to make up a little massage your lips ordinary toothbrush;

- It is desirable to use a special moisturizing foundation or a regular chapstick. This will help to hide cracks and roughness on the lips;

- Must be used for the contour of the lips, the color of which must be combined with a touch of red lipstick used. Contour facilitate the application of such a bright color, and add volume thin lips. After delineating the contours of the lips a little bit better to powder;

- Should apply lipstick with a brush strokes of light, moving from the center to the corners of the lips;

- The final chord should be a paper napkin, which is applied to the lips to remove the excess applying lipstick. This is followed by a bit of powder and again to make up;

- To plump lips look tempting for a matte red lipstick can impose a bit of shine a brighter shade of red.

Tags: color, red, makeup, lipstick, red