As a rule, by the biggest weakness in the upper chest are dark spots and small pimples, so they must be carefully hidden from prying eyes by using powder. If you have a perfectly smooth skin, perfect makeup then only emphasize it. This will help you tone and corrective cosmetics, powder, as well as the application of various masks, consisting of lemon juice, parsley and cucumber. It is important that your chosen tool combined with the color of skin.
Before you start creating makeup, put on a dress with a plunging neckline and covering his upper front part of the napkin, start smoothly with a brush to apply powder. Make it so that the middle of the neck formed an imaginary line, and the whole area looked like the letter V. Then, focusing on the position of its edges, shaded powder - ideally you should have a natural depression in the ground.
Before you choose a powder, pay attention to the type of your neck. This will help you to choose the desired hue powder. For very thin neck is best suited to shade lighter shade of foundation, you are using. To plump neck need two shades - light is applied to the front and dark sides.
Particular difficulties arise in women, because the wrinkles around his neck to hide quite difficult, but try to still stands. To do this, take a proofreader and carefully mask every crack, and then a thin and even layer of the powder blend. Upon completion can sprinkle it with mineral water through the spray to soak up the excess of your makeup.
A thorough approach to the choice of brush and powder. Better use of tonal pressed powder or cream powder, because they contain large amounts of pigments necessary for you to hide minor imperfections of the skin, as well as go to a very thin layer and are easily absorbed without requiring expectations.