How to draw eyebrows

How to draw eyebrows
 Unfortunately, not all nature has endowed sable brows, and in fact they give sight expressiveness and brightness. That is why women in all ages, from the time of ancient Egypt, engaged in summing up the eyebrows.
 First, you must choose the means for contour eyebrows. The most common option is a special liner eyebrows - they have a firmer texture than eyeliners, allowing the line does not smear when applied. Pencils are available in two types - wood and plastic to wriggle out of the tip, which is more convenient, one chooses for himself. Or should we choose special shade. They have two distinct advantage over comfortable pencils. The first - the shadow eyebrow can mix and get a shade that is right for you. Second - they are well shaded and create the effect of soft natural brows.

Secondly, it is important to choose the right color tools. You must be very careful with the black shade, because in its pure form it occurs except that Mediterranean women. It is better to give preference to dark brown in color, even if you're burning brunette. In addition, the black color in artificial light can give a purple or greenish tinge.

Third, it is important to know the rules of the ideal eyebrow. For clarity, you can use long pencils. Put the pencil to the face so that the line goes through the point of the inner corner of the eye and touched the wing of the nose. This is the first point at the level of the eyebrows, where it should begin. The second point is in bending eyebrows, you can find it by turning the pencil, now he has to touch the wing of the nose and passes through the pupil. The end point of the eyebrow can be found on a line passing through the outer corner of the eye to the nose. Long eyebrows draw should not be, you're not an elf. This rule helps in creating makeup, but it's important to remember that each person individually.

Getting summing eyebrows slightly powder the them. Apply means short strokes on the hairline. Try to avoid abrupt transitions, soft borders will make the image more feminine. Fix hairs special wax or gel.

Tags: eyebrow makeup