For the second method of bringing the carcass "in the sense of" need a tool to make-up remover century. Drip it a little mascara and shake the tube. Then you can paint the lashes. Do not worry, your make-up will not flow if use the make-up remover in microscopic doses. Ideal - diluted means the same company that itself mascara.
Many women try to breathe new life into your favorite mascara using plain water. Thus, they make a big mistake, because the water spoils its composition, and it finally becomes unusable. Absolutely appropriate to apply any eye drops. Pour them into the bottle and wait a few minutes. Any fluid takes some time to soak the dried paint. It is better to pour drops of the night, during which ink will find its original consistency, and in the morning will be easy to paint eyelashes.
To restore the paint will suit any tonic. It is desirable that its composition was not alcohol. Ink, diluted alcohol tonic, can cause eye irritation.
Good Product Recovery Mascara is dried and liquid for contact lenses. It does not cause irritation and will not change the composition of the paint, and this liquid will inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms.
Each dilution carcass leads to a deterioration of its original qualities. It becomes less intense and persistent. Mascara, within which there is a wax, it is pointless to dilute. In this case, only the immersion will in a glass of warm water.
There is still a lot of quite original ways resuscitation dried up carcass, but regard them as harmless can be a very big stretch. Some women prefer to dilute your mascara brush banal spit on, forgetting how many bacteria and microbes found in saliva.
Other women are bred mascara perfume and even brandy. Such resuscitation is completely unacceptable, because it can cause an allergic reaction in the subsequent application of Mascara on the lashes. Thinning olive oil - not a solution. This may lead to the fact that a smeared makeup later on your eyelids.
If the cause drying carcass lies in the end of its shelf life, not even thought about how to restore it. It is better to go to the store for a new mascara. Save on the health of their eyes silly.