How to do makeup for a romantic date

How to do makeup for a romantic date
 You have to walk with a loved one, especially a first date or an important dinner for two? Such moments require a special approach in everything, including when applying makeup. The ideal would be novelistic make-up. He at the same time will create the most vivid image and well accentuate your beauty and elegance.  
 Before applying make-up is necessary to prepare the face. This is a common procedure. First you need to clean the skin, then rub lotion and finally, apply day cream.

Next, you must uniformly apply on face light foundation, distributing it in a circular motion. Then put a layer of powder that makes the skin smoother. The main thing is not to put powder in several layers.

The next stage - the eye makeup. Choose your color palette of shadows. For example, a cold, gray-blue. First you need to apply a light shade of shadow on the area of ​​skin under the eyebrows and to the crease. This visually enlarge the eyes and lift the eyebrow.

Then, on the inner half of the upper eyelid applied darker tone and carefully shaded. This slightly overlaps the previous layer, so that there was no noticeable transition between them. Similarly, the need to apply the darkest shade on the outer half of the century and shade them all the way to the temple.

In the make-up is also paid special attention to the lower eyelid, namely its outer part. With the help of beige or matte shadows need to draw a line to the inner corner of the eye. This simple technique will make eye stressed and more profound.

The eyelashes, as always, should apply mascara in several layers. After the first coat has been applied, you need to wait for some time that it withered. And only after that you can apply the next layer. Apply mascara more than two or three times is not recommended. She may start to crumble, and it will create the effect of dark circles under the eyes.

For completeness romantic make-up is necessary to select an eyebrow. To do this takes a pencil and brown standard procedure is applied to the eyebrows.

A very important point to make-up is to apply blush. With their help, emphasizes oval face, and it will be a little longer. To get this effect, taken sand-pink blush and applied to the lateral surface of the cheeks.

The final stage of a romantic make-up - it's lips. They should highlight the bright lipstick and contour cut around a pencil to match the lipstick. Apply gloss over lipstick is not recommended.

Tags: eyes, blush, date