How to apply lipstick with a brush

How to apply lipstick with a brush
 The method of application of lipstick often depends on the overall result of make-up. Top makeup artists prefer professional brush, with which you can lipstick most effectively and smoothly. Once you have mastered this skill, you'll not only spend lipstick more economically, but also get more sophisticated and long-lasting lip makeup.
 Makeup lips you may need two types of brushes. The main brush - with a circumcised semicircle soft pile - the most suitable for the application of lipstick. To draw a clearer path you can also use a stiff brush with beveled bristles.

To lips look natural and well-groomed, before makeup, apply a balm on them. Let it soak, blot the excess tissue. Then powder the lips or apply a thin layer of foundation - so lipstick will stay much longer, and the pigment will be revealed more fully.

To draw the outline, you can use a pencil. However, the most natural effect can be achieved if you do the full lip makeup with a brush.

Beveled edge contour brush mark, making a thin line. Then blend it slightly toward the center of the lips. Take a soft brush and start applying lipstick over the entire surface of the lips. Follow-up with soft, short strokes, which will exclude skin injury.

If the lipstick has a dense texture with a brush you can avoid the effect of "putty". To do this, enter a small amount of lipstick and put it on your wrist. Slightly smudge agent, and then applying it to start thin lips. With this method your lips will look most natural.

Makeup with a brush is not always possible to achieve the effect of volume, especially if you are working with a means of heavyweight matte texture. To make the lips more voluminous and visual relief, dip the brush in clear gloss, and touch it to the center of the lips. So you can create the effect of wet glare.

To fix the lipstick, brushing, sprinkle lip thermal water or use transparent powder.

Tags: lip, makeup, brush, lipstick, brush