Harm from foundation

Harm from foundation
 Foundation can not only mask the flaws on the face, but also harm the skin. This should be considered when purchasing means of decorative cosmetics.
 Cheap agents are usually poor quality. They may be inhomogeneous consistency, difficult to uniformly apply the skin. Substances contained in the cream can lead to dehydration, the appearance of the face of irritation and staining.

Best to buy cosmetics class "lux", manufactured trusted manufacturers. But here we must be careful not to buy a fake. In this case the cream can also damage the skin. Or, for example, the cream is good, but during storage were not met the right storage conditions. So be careful, carefully inspect the package (jar, bottle), and ask the seller how to store cosmetics in the store.

Look at the composition of tonal resources, unless it moisturizes the skin, does not protect against UV rays, it is better to abandon the purchase. Pick cream exclusively in pharmacies, if you have sensitive or problem skin. The wrong masking agent can clog the pores or cause severe irritation with the appearance of pimples and rashes.

Foundation for oily skin dries the skin, has antiseptic properties. Therefore, apply it on dry skin can not be, it just flaked off.

Conversely, a cream designed for dry skin, will bring irreparable harm to the possessor oily, porous skin. In this case, the possible blockage of the sebaceous glands. Be sure to rinse the cream at night. Twice a week, apply a moisturizing mask on the face and neck, it will prevent it from drying out.

Do not buy a concealer long exposure time for each day. The skin beneath it does not "breathe". It is best to mix this product with a light moisturizer in the proportion of one to one and apply before going out or just use no more than twice a week.

Before you purchase a vehicle, open it and smell (if possible), in cream should be light, airy fragrance. If it is non-uniform, smells bad or grains, better give up the purchase. Do not use foundation during a trip to the sea, the cream will flow and take a lot of trouble, ranging from skin irritation and ending spots on clothes.

Tags: means, cream, damage