5 ways to make eyelashes chic

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 Nothing makes a girl a charming, attractive and easy as long curved eyelashes. Representatives of the stronger sex literally go crazy when a woman touching and cute slams cilia, exploiting them according to the rules of seduction in retro style.
 Means for growth

One of the latest achievements in the field of cosmetology, which is in every beautician any Hollywood star, is the miracle serum growth of eyelashes. With the help of it you can not only make the cilia stronger and stronger, but also lengthen. This tool really works, eyelashes grow an average of a few millimeters, the number becomes larger, and they are less likely to drop out. This is due to the activator of cell division, contained in serum. The disadvantages include the fact that the result can be seen only after a month of regular use, as well as the fact that the effect of the serum will last only as long as you use it.

False eyelashes

No one has repealed false eyelashes as a means of giving a quick view of sexuality and depth. Know about it all Hollywood celebrities - from Eva Longoria to Jennifer Lopez stars do not attend the event without a couple of overhead fluffy cilia. The advantages of this beauty-devaysa include ease of use, the process takes only a few minutes, and the result is stunning. The main thing - do not miss a density and length.

Proper ink

If you are not willing to spend time on the serum and false eyelashes, and cilia want long and beautiful, you just change the ink. Never stop on only one version of the carcass. Constantly try new items, compare the results. And for various reasons you may need a different tool. For example, to create a handy makeup nude-lengthening mascara with a dark brown shade, and for a bright evening - with the effect of false eyelashes or volume. And if a little play with color and color all eyelashes brown ink and black tips, your mind will seem velvet.

Curling tongs

Secret Weapon star stylists - curlers. With their help, you can instantly give a sexy cilia bend. The main thing in their use, remember one rule - first forceps, then mascara: otherwise eyelashes can break off. You can use tweezers and without mascara, doing a balm - cilia will have the desired shape.


Capacity is of two kinds - building beams or poresnichnoe. The latter method is also called silk buildup. The procedure is quite simple - each cilium attached artificial, master length varies from the outer corner of the eye to the inside. This building looks extremely beautiful and natural. In the second method Specialist pastes small bundles of artificial eyelashes between your family. A less natural than in the first case, but still good and significantly cheaper.

Tags: eyelash, fashion, care