Thereafter, should moisturize the skin. Apply to face, neck, a thin layer of cream and let it soak. A few minutes later blot cloth to remove excess.
Now you can proceed to the next step. That what happens in the end make-up, largely depends on the quality of the selected cosmetics.
When choosing tonal resources should be guided by the following criteria:
1. They must be suitable to the color of your skin. To determine the correct shade Pick up your cosmetics in daylight. Apply a thin strip of product on the inner arm. It must fully coincide with the color of your skin.
2. Foundations should match your skin type. For better use of fatty makeup liquid, which contains a little fat, but a lot of small particles of powder. They will make your skin velvety, matte, shine will be removed. For inflamed areas suitable compact and tonal powder. They are quite dense in consistency, so it's good hide all the flaws. For dry and sensitive skin is better to choose the tonal resources of high-moisture and fat. For normal - will be enough usual day cream, but enriched with special pigments.
3. Your selected cosmetics should lay down evenly on the face.
4. toners must be resistant to makeup is not spoiled at the most inopportune moment.
The first step in creating the perfect tone is the application framework that compared with foundation or powder easier. And it is intended to align the complexion. In addition, its application will mask redness, refresh you.
If the person has flaws that hide the previous tool did not work, then we can put on these sites concealer (concealer). Use it to disguise dark spots or have recently jumped pimple, remove dark circles under the eyes, etc.
Make the skin perfectly matte and even help tone cream. It should be applied in a circular motion from the center to the periphery, also need to carefully shade line on the edge of hair growth on the chin. If you do not meet these conditions, it will make unnatural.
The final touch - the application of powder. Brush or sponge to lightly treat the entire face. Apply a thin layer in the direction of hair growth on the face. For oily or combination skin, you can use compact powder, with particular attention to the T-zone. But even in this case it is not necessary to impose this remedy too thick to face did not look like a mask.