Prepare your skin for makeup. Apply a cleansing lotion or toner with a cotton pad, then use a day cream and a means for the skin around the eyes. Driving a cream with gentle tapping motion with your fingertips helps to absorb the cream. Use matting napkin to remove excess cosmetics. Spread on face makeup base, squeezing it out of the tube in small portions.
Go to the tonal resources. Take the cream of natural tones, suitable to the color of your skin. Fingers, apply a thin film from the middle of the face to the edges. Pay special attention to shading cream on face contour. Abrupt transition should not be. Change the shape of the nose can help you light and dark creams. Areas that need to do more, cover lighter shade and places to visually reduce dark. To make the nose thinner on the wings of the nose spread darker tone, and on the bridge of the nose and the back - light. Thoroughly blend cream. Line tonal transitions should be smooth. Along the entire length of the nose, apply a little rinse skin radiance.
Fix-up in one of two ways - crumbly or compact powder. If you prefer the texture of compact powder, before its application to remove excess tone means a wet sponge makeup. Better not use a sponge, and a broad brush. Loose powder can be applied as a means of puffs, and using a brush. Choose a light, almost translucent powder to avoid overloading the makeup. Otherwise, your face will look like a mask. The remaining part of the face can also affect the way on how thin it will look your nose. Bright lips or big eyes distract attention from him, and very thick eyebrows, on the contrary, will make your nose more prominent.
Make the nose thinner can be visually and with the help of lush hair with volume at the back. But from the bangs should be abandoned.