How to make black eyelashes

How to make black eyelashes
 Black eyelashes favorably emphasize the depth and color of eyes, they look more expressive light. Those who are nature gave light eyelashes and eyebrows, have to try to make them black. You can do this in several ways.
 First means for dyeing eyelashes beautician woman is usual mascara. With the help of eyelashes acquire a deep black color. But there is one drawback. Paint over the lashes at the root of a problem. It is possible to tint eyebrows slightly, although it is best to use a pencil or black eyeshadow.

More even and long black coloring can be obtained through special paints for eyelashes. The paint has a freely available in stores, if you want to save yourself and paint eyelashes. Reliability also apply to the interior and to trust the professionals. Common service color eyelashes available in almost all beauty salons and hairdressers.

It is not necessary to resort to the usual coloring eyelashes hair dye. It has a different composition and is harmful to the eye mucosa. As a result, you can lose eyelashes or even spoil vision.

Eyelash also solves the problem of color. It is performed in salons. Capacity will not only change the color, but also to adjust the length, shape, bending eyelashes. Keep such lashes up to 20 days, after which require correction. It is believed that this procedure harms the health of eyelashes, but this is a controversial opinion, as the official medical contraindications have been identified.

An alternative embodiment of capacity - the use of false eyelashes. Their advantage is that no fixing is required to service professionals. But false eyelashes are removed in the evening. Every day, require re-gluing. The cost of their application is higher than the other methods.

How to make black eyelashes need to solve each individually. This will depend on the financial component, the desired period of validity of the staining, individual sensitivity of the skin and mucous eye.

Tags: eyelashes, black, building, painting