This beautiful makeup can be useful not only for the discos, but also for a romantic date with your loved one. For this kind of makeup will need bright colors, as well as a large number of sequins and gold.
From the usual European makeup arabic different colors, contours liner lips and eyes. It is more lively, bold and colorful. This scrupulous attitude to female beauty seems inherent in the blood of the Arabs. Why all the focus on the eyes? Because for many years it was told about the beauty of the eyes of the Arab woman, as her body was hidden under loose clothing, and face - under the veil. It was only with the help of a beautiful woman eye could express all my affection, pride and greatness. So eye makeup had to give their full attention.
According to the most important rule of the Arab makeup for brown eyes, full all the lines go from the center of the face up. Tone must be chosen as follows: blue, pink, yellow, brown, green, and all their shades. As an indispensable attribute of the Arab makeup is a leash to the eye. It will make them distinct and attractive.
Basic complexion must be properly adjusted. Need to use powder and concealer only to align the complexion and make it soft and smooth. You can not use bright blush, otherwise the tender will become a platitude.
Eyebrows should be clearly defined, because they attach to look oriental woman of mystery. Shadows should lay down completely on the entire eyelid to brow. Under the lower lash line must also use a darker tone shades.
The final step in the application of the Arab makeup is painting eyelashes. Lower lashes painted over very carefully, one layer. But the top should look thick and fluffy, so they require 2 coats of mascara. Lips do not need bright. Remember, the whole emphasis should fall on your beautiful eyes!