One of these types is considered makeup style singer Fergie. Soloist known hip-hop group, the designer and actress Fergie in a few words can be described as follows: bright, bold, shocking and at the same time has an impeccable sense of style. In Celebrity Makeover prefers two main directions.
The first - a glamor. In this type of makeup used by Fergie silver, blue, pearl shade. Sometimes the singer can use even pink palette, but not stridently-bright, and so-called "diluted" milky. Well suited for such a make-up golden chocolate shade. Often, when you create a make-apa singer uses a very interesting effect of "visual transition". For this purpose, the mobile eyelid applied a darker shade shadow over the eye - lighter. Border connections gently shaded colors. Fans of makeup can be used by Fergie and special make-up accessories - rhinestones, colorful tattoo, "fly" above the lip or cheek. But artificial eyelashes hip-hop diva tries not to abuse. To create a make-up singer typically uses sand-colored concealer "Sun" and to maintain a balance and moderation, putting on lip gloss or lipstick transparent flesh, beige.
The second option makeup from Fergie, can be called a "low-key glamor or" close to nature ".
Fergie is natural, without changing itself. Trump card in this make-up - it is a black or dark brown eyeliner, which helps to "open the" eyes and make them more expressive. This make-up match most preferably Beige tone cream and light pink or clear lip gloss. You can use mascara lengthens and separates lashes.