Under the heading Lose Weight Together: diet from Helen malyshevoy
Carethe skin of the neck does not require an enormous amount of time and effort. Just do not forget to take care of every day so what keeps your charming head. This requires not only the beauty, but also elementary care of their own health. It's no secret that women suffer from migraines in 2 times more often than men. And, the assurances of neurologists, due to the fact that the blood supply to the brain damaged by a clamping vessels. But what really must admit, not so often we remember the correct posture. Yes, and small household chores do not allow to keep my head up high. So thatbeautiful neck remain so always start with charging. Very useful to do it twice a day. First, keep muscles toned, and secondly, helping the spine remain flexible and mobile, thus saving herself from bouts of cervical degenerative disc disease. Proceed under the light music. Three-four!
1. Flexibility exercises. In the sitting or standing tilt your head gently back and forth, left and right. Try to get the chin to the chest by bending forward and put my head on his shoulder when bending sideways. 5-6 approaches.
2. Slowly turn your head to the right and to the left. Take your time, it will not disco dancing with convulsively poddergivaet movements.
3. Clasp your hands on the back of the head lock, head bowed forward. Overcoming resistance hands lift up his head jerks. 3-6 times.
4. Take the pencil in the mouth (not aesthetically pleasing and not too hygienic, but what to do) and write in the air a number from 1 to 10. 5-7 repetitions.
5. Pulling his lips, actively articulating pronounced vowels. The ideal exercise at the first sign of double chin.
Exercises done. We turn to water procedures.The skin of the neck requires the same care as facial skin. Only we must act even more tender. Means for cleansing, apply on the neck and smooth movements with a soft sponge from top to bottom. In any case not scrape - the skin of the neck is very thin and sensitive, you can hurt her or cause irritation. At home, you can cook a special tonic forskin of the neck.
• cucumber lotion. On a fine grater grate the fresh cucumber and mix with three tablespoons of vodka. Infuse for three days, drain, wipe the skin twice a day.
• Make a mixture of yogurt and sour cream, percussive movements put on the skin. Wash off in the shower.
When the skin is cleaned, it is possible to treat and little. Masks are useful any skin, andskin of the neck - Especially. The fact that the neck is no sebaceous glands and fat, which is why the skin on her after 25 years begins to fade and it requires very meticulous care. In order to strengthen and nourish the skin, you can use a mask made of vegetables or fruit, as well as the mask with aromatic oils. They help to slow the aging process, moisturize and nourish the skin.
Masks for the neck skin
• Mix the egg yolk, honey, nourishing cream, juice of half an orange and mix. Apply several layers to dry completely. Apply once a month.
• Weekly, you can do the following mask: egg yolk mixed with a spoonful of honey, apply on face and neck and sleep 30 minutes.
Increases flexibility:
• Average oil warm up slightly, with a cotton swab applied to the neck in a circular motion. Wrap the cloth, wash off after 30 minutes. In the oil, you can add a few drops of ylang-ylang oil or oil of geranium.
• In Olive few add a few drops of lemon juice, warm. Apply to clean skin, gently remove the remains of a napkin.
• In much sagging skin JustLady women's magazine recommends using a potato mask: mashed potatoes mixed with 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Impose as a compress on his neck. Wash off after 20 minutes.
• In a glass of water to dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt, and the solution soaked gauze, apply on the neck for 3-4 minutes. Then lubricate nourishing cream. Perform daily. After the first weeks of visible cosmetic effect.
• The perfect home remedy for wrinkles - egg white. It not only tightens the skin, but also is a kind of simulator for her. A protein coat the
skin of the neck broad brush, leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply on the skin of the neck fat cream.
Part-time application of the cream can be combined with massage. This will increase the elasticity of the skin and help her look younger. Spread a small amount of cream on the fingertips, rejecting his head back in a circular motion, apply the cream from the base of the neck to the chin, gently patting the skin's surface. You can apply for a massage and a special massage brush. Before the massage the skin lubricated or cream in a circular motion and then rises up from the chest on the side of the neck to the earlobe, from the chest to the back over his shoulder, and back from the back to the chest. Massage - 5 minutes.
And finally, that the neck remained as long as possible the young, it is not necessary to read lying down, keep your posture as much as possible drink water and stay beautiful forever.
Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady