In the category Fitness: Complex morning exercise
Actually the term "skilled hands" rather relative. Based on the assumption that every woman, hands, if not gold, but simply is, you can easily conjure the kitchen for 5 minutes now potion beauties. You will need a glass or ceramic bowl, a broad brush, paper towels, a set of essential oils. You can add a few sprigs of some roadside grass, put on the table a few bottles of dummy snakes and frogs, light incense sticks - here and get a real abode of witches, capable of performing miracles without batting an eye. For persuasiveness can mutter something like "biscuits, morzhiki, tryaki-baryaki" and .... Start all confused.
Mask with essential oils very easy to use .. Write in the home can be any mask that will be purely individual, and solve problems only your skin. However, you should still follow some safety rules to your deadly beauty is not lost: essential oils must be diluted in a concentrated form, they can cause a lot of inconvenience. However, apart from cosmetic effect,mask with essential oils and have a healing effect to the whole organism.
Recipes masks for skin with essential oils
Before proceeding to the rejuvenating procedures, the skin should be prepared and cleaned. To do this, there is a very quick and easy recipe -Mask of clay and essential oils1 tablespoon, preferably blue or green clay mixed with 3 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang, add water, so as to obtain a paste. Apply to the face to dry completely and gently rinse with water. You can try a more sophisticated recipe.
Peeling masks for skin cleansing
In a coffee grinder grind 2 tablespoons rice, add a tablespoon of avocado oil, a little sour milk and 3-4 drops of essential oil. Gently massage the face with a mixture of the massage lines. For normal skin, use oil of lavender, geranium, cypress and roses, for dry skin prone to flaking fit cedar oil, neroli, clary sage, jasmine, oily skin with enlarged pores essential oils of lemon, lime, ylang-ylang, niauoli, mint, kaeputa, juniper, patchouli, grapefruit.
Indian Face Mask
1 teaspoon honey, take 2 tbsp. Spoon cream and 5 drops of oil of cardamom. Add the resulting mixture was half teaspoon salt. Apply on face for 5 minutes. Gently rinse.
Revitalizing Mask with grapefruit
In a bowl squeeze 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice and mix it with a tablespoon of blue clay, add back the protein and 3 drops of orange oil. On clean skin apply a mask and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm boiled water or mineral water.
Nourishing mask with essential oils
Need to take 50 grams of sour milk and mix it with oils of juniper, rosemary and roses - every 5 drops. The mixture was put on the face and leave for 7 minutes.
Mask anti-wrinkle
1 tablespoon oil base (better to take jojoba or avocado oil), add 1 drop of sandalwood, vetiver and 3 drops 3 drops of frankincense. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Remains rinse with warm water or rose.
Refreshing mask with essential oils
Boil 3 tablespoons oatmeal 40 grams of boiling water. In warm mush, add 1 drop of peppermint oil. Wash off after 20 minutes
Toning Mask
Take 1 egg yolk, add 2 drops of lavender essential oil and a teaspoon of honey. Stir well put on the face. After 15 minutes wash residues of mineral water.
Mask with essential oils for hair
All women dream of beautiful shiny hair. But stress, poor quality water, health and labor gave way, as a result, the hair becomes dull and brittle. And then there's the eternal horror of all telecasters - dandruff.Mask with essential oils Hair will help get rid of all unpleasant symptoms and make your hair beautiful and obedient.
Mask from falling for oily hair: In the shampoo, add 2 drops of oil of pine and lavender and 3 drops of rosemary and geranium. Apply to the hair, wait a few minutes and rinse. The resulting mixture can be used daily.
Hair Mask with firming essential oilsMix a drop of oil of basil, rosemary and black pepper with a little honey and mix with 2 yolks. In the resulting mixture, add 2 drops of ylang-ylang. Apply the mixture on your hair, put on a plastic cap and rolled his head with a towel. You can wash off after half an hour.
Mask with essential oils for the body
Oh, this cellulite !!! Forever all the spoils. And like those extra pounds accumulated during the long winter evenings are gone, and the skin is still some slack in these horrible dimples ... Calm, says female site JustLady, only peace of mind! Essential oils and here to help. For 1 cup of sea salt needed for 3 drops of essential oils of lemongrass, petit Grein and dill, 2 drops of oil of black pepper and 1 drop of cinnamon. Mix all thoroughly and ran into the bath. Carefully rub the problem areas from the top down, leave it on for 10-15 minutes and take a bath. Requires 10 procedures, once every two days.
Actually beauty, contrary to popular belief, does not take much time. You just need to be sure to allocate this time. And it's not so difficult, if you really want. 20 minutes have even schedule a business lady.Mask with essential oils - This is the shortest way to youth and beauty.
Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady