How to make your teeth white sand

How to make your teeth white sand
 Flawless smile gives confidence, allows a person to feel relaxed. Cause teeth in order to whiten them can be at home or at the dentist, who will assess the condition of the oral cavity, to recommend the necessary procedures.
 Professional teeth whitening lightens them a few shades in just one procedure. There are several modern methods:

- Air-flow - brushing teeth made a powerful jet of air.
- Ultrasonic cleaning - involves the removal of plaque and dental plaque by vibration of high frequency current.
- Crowns and Veneers - apply in the case of discoloration of enamel cells, the method is based on the manufacture of special linings.
- Chemical clarification of enamel - the use of drugs based on urea and hydrogen peroxide.
- Laser whitening - discoloration by exposing the enamel bleaching agents and laser beam.
- Whitening ZOOM - use of the luminous flux, which affects the teeth coated with whitening gel.

Alternative armchair bleaching is home - you can book a cabin individual tray and buy a set of whitening products. This kind of chemical bleaching - you put on your teeth preparations and wear a mouthguard for several hours or overnight.

The use of toothpastes with bleaching action based on the chemical reaction and effectively removing only fresh coffee stains, food coloring, etc. If Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive particles, then apply such drugs should be from time to time, taking breaks - drugs can damage tooth enamel.

Homemade methods to achieve the white color of the teeth stand out periodic cleaning with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, wet activated charcoal tablets, lemon juice. Dampen a toothbrush prepared staff and treat your teeth on all sides. Can be used for cleaning teeth wood ash powder of baked eggplant, strawberries and strawberry - berries apply pounded in the form of the teeth or enamel pulp then polish. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used separately - it soak a cotton pad and swipe across the teeth several times. Homemade methods to change the hue of the teeth can damage tooth enamel (thinned enamel can not be recovered), so do not use them more than once or twice a month.

Tags: tooth smile