How to get rid of bruises and swellings

How to get rid of bruises and swellings
 Bruising and swelling under the eyes does not serve as an ornament of women. If you woke up this morning and saw in the mirror so unpleasant picture, your mood can be spoiled for the whole day! In the case where the swelling under the eyes appear after a sleepless night or a fun party, it can be understood. But what if the trouble appears almost every day?
 Some simply mask the area under the eyes of powder or corrector. But is this the solution? Agree, it is better to eliminate the cause of the problem than to eliminate the consequences every day!

First of all, think about the reason why you may appear bruising and swelling under the eyes. Perhaps it is worth to visit the doctor to check my health? You should know that the bruises or "bags" under the eyes can be a symptom of serious diseases. Complete the survey is very important.

In the case of health you have everything in order, ask yourself a few questions. Perhaps you are not sleeping? Do not feel the constant, chronic fatigue? Perhaps every day experience stress? If you answer these questions positively, then, that this is the cause of the bruising and swelling.

Review your life, do not be nervous and be sure to get enough sleep. Be sure to be careful how much liquid you drink at night. Do not abuse the black tea and coffee. It is better to replace them with a warm herbal tea. And ideally, if there is thirst, just drink a cup of water. It is possible that in a short time you will no longer be sad about his appearance in the morning.

Another likely cause bruising and swelling - vitamin deficiency, especially deficiency in the diet of foods containing vitamin C. It is imperative guzzle a course of vitamins complexes, which contain the most essential to our health matter.

In order to get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes, if they are already there, you should use a special cosmetics or folk recipes that are time tested. For example, very effective compression of black tea. Simply take a cotton ball, soak it in tea leaves and apply to eyelids for a few minutes. An excellent result given ice cubes from herbal infusions and compresses of warm potatoes, boiled in their jackets.

Tags: eye bruise