Vegetarianism and Beauty

Vegetarianism and Beauty
 Modern ideas about visual appeal directly connect the beauty and health. Toned slim body, bright fresh complexion, clear skin, healthy hair shiny, white smile - like so many imagine a beautiful person. In general, this ideal has always been - since the days of antiquity.

Periodically at different times and in different historical circumstances and cultures there is any other ideas of beauty. Beautiful pyshnotelye people considered obese, or morbidly thin, but humanity always comes back to this natural ideal, as if somewhere in the subconscious keeps the memory of the time when man was closer to nature, harmoniously developed and, perhaps more happy.

One way to achieve the desired beauty is vegetarianism. Fans of this power system refer to the numerous studies of physicians who suggest that people who do not eat animal food (mainly meat and fish in a more rigorous editorial and dairy products and eggs) are less susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, less likely to suffer obesity, constipation, high blood pressure, and also problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Many have fallen on food exclusively vegetarian diet, begin to feel better and look better. This is due to the fact that a person loses weight because the body gets less fat (which is a lot of meat and meat products), fewer calories and improves bowel.

When powered plant food does not occur constipation, which affect, in particular, and the color of the face (with poor bowel habits skin becomes dull, becomes sallow). Nutrition in vegetables, fruits, cereals and cereals helps to gain a healthy glow, smooth complexion, reduces acne and other skin rashes.

Heavy meat diet often causes swelling, puffiness, insomnia after a hearty dinner, vegetarian eliminates these problems.

Fruits and vegetables that are the basis of the diet of vegetarians, are full of vitamins and fiber useful, especially eaten without heat treatment. Increase of vitamins in the diet affects the health and appearance of the person, as well as increased immunity, eliminated many diseases associated with lack of it of vitamins and minerals, strengthens hair and nails, skin becomes firmer and more muscle definition.

However, it should be noted that vegetarianism, for all its usefulness can not be harmless if handled poorly. This is especially true strict vegetarianism that excludes the use of eggs and dairy products, and when a person can not find a replacement animal proteins and amino acids. Lack of necessary substances can cause serious disturbances in the human body, and these problems will certainly affect the appearance - brittle hair and nails, swelling, and loss of muscle mass, hollow eyes, and so on.

Be reasonable and careful with his body - and he will long to please you!

Tags: people, beauty, utility and vegetarianism