Meaning of moles on your face

Meaning of moles on your face
 The man's face can tell a lot about his character: on the face reflects the internal processes by which "live" person. It is believed that certain karmic information and carry a birthmark. However, the interpretation of "mapping" moles can not be unambiguous.
 Birthmark on his forehead on the left gives a deep attachment to the mother and femininity, to the right - the love of his father and courageous, strong character. Moles near the hair roots tell a strong influence on the person of his family environment, the inability to "fenced off" and be independent.

A man with a mole in the middle of the forehead, usually characterized by unstable, indecisive, uncertain character. Mole above his left eyebrow speaks of rich and intense inner life of the owner, daydreaming. Otmetinki above the right eyebrow in humans are rational, realistic, standing firmly on his feet, able to analyze the situation well and anticipate developments. A man with a mole between his eyebrows inclined to idealize the senses, has lofty aspirations and can have the gift of clairvoyance.

Pigmented spots on the nose side by side with neurosis, obsessions, lack of gentleness and generosity, rancor. A man with a birthmark on the left nostril excessively wasteful, on the right - careful, prudent, is sober and sober.

Oh man with a mole above his left eye can say that he is naive and prone to daydreaming. On the contrary, the mole above his right eye indicates the owner of realism, clarity of consciousness and even some pedantry. Under his left eye - this imbalance, under the right - calm, communicative, ability to establish contacts.

Asymmetrical meaningfully moles and cheeks. If you have a "marked" right cheek, the more likely you are restrained, modest, has a natural gentleness of character. But the mole on his left cheek can give vanity and superficiality of judgment.

Luck loves people with moles between the nose and mouth: such people are successful, luck, their character and bright individual. Sensual mole on her upper lip occurs in the soft and responsive people. Birthmark on his lower lip also speaks of sensuality, but it has the "impurity" quarrelsomeness, negligence and laziness.

Tags: eyes, face, nose, cheek, a mole, the forehead, the value of a woman