How to make a beautiful voice

How to make a beautiful voice
 Even if you do not do the singing, the beauty of the voice - a very important aspect of your life and success in the social environment. Beautiful and attractive voice will encourage you to work, communication and interaction with people. In this article you will learn how you can improve your voice, make it brighter and more beautiful.

Remember that the voice of the extremely negative impact of alcohol, tobacco, too salty, spicy or sweet foods, and frequent colds.
Beautiful voice - the key to good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, as well as timely treatment of respiratory diseases. Maintain a healthy voice, do not overreach and learn how to use your voice resource wisely.


It is also necessary to perform a series of exercises that will help develop the voice.
Breathe calmly and evenly. On an equal say the long breath sounds "IRS", "er", "aaa", "ooo", "yyy" and others. Drag the sound as long as you have air in the lungs. Sound "IRS" highest and ringing sound "yyy" contrary develops low frequencies of your voice.


Inhale and with your mouth closed, start to pull the sound "mmm". It contributes to the development of sounds uttered by the chest and diaphragm. Try to do your "moo" as loudly as possible.


Develop articulation will growl - repeat "ppp" until you have no air, as well as for training articulation say the words and tongue twisters with the letter "p".


Say the long vowel sounds, rhythmically beating their breasts.


Stand with your back straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Align breath. Sharply inhale and exhale with the sound of noisy "Ha! "Leaning forward. Try to make it sound the most powerful and strong as you can. This simple exercise will help you achieve a particular depth and beauty of your voice.

Tags: voice