How to get rid of the complex because of appearance

How to get rid of the complex because of appearance
 The complex is about appearance - perhaps the most common psychological problem of modern young people. Media inspire them that everything must be perfect, as the people on the cover, but in life, people are far from perfect. With the realization of this simple fact should begin the fight against the negative factors of consciousness.
 Psychologists mean by complex reactions with stable communication context. Inferiority complex associated with their own appearance there for you, if you are sensitive to criticisms about her, ashamed of his own face and body and accept compliments for mockery. Try to evaluate your appearance impartially, to identify strengths and weaknesses. Most likely, you will come to a conclusion that is not at all worse than others.

Divide the non-ideal characteristics of their appearance to those that are modifiable, and those that can not fight. Pull up the figure and make it more attractive in your power. Correct oval face hairstyle allows visually enlarge the eyes and highlight the cheekbones allows makeup. But all these measures should only be a supplement to your willingness to accept themselves as they are. Proof of this are numerous plastic surgery patients who were convinced that the root of their misery, let's say - a hooked nose. The result - no hump, and happiness has not increased.

Complex associated with the rejection of their appearance, often fueled by "well-wishers" who seek to establish themselves at the expense of others. If this is you, learn how to fight back the familiar, do not hesitate to criticize you. Tactless remark on the answer calmly, "So what? "Or" And I like my nose, "then offenders will quickly find yourself a new facility for torture.

Notice the compliments you say others. Do not dismiss pleasant words and memorize them and emphasizes the features pleasing to you people. Try to notice only positive comments in his address, and unpleasant turn a deaf ear. In the end, the right to influence your mood and self-esteem have only really close friends, the opinion of all the rest does not concern you.

Tags: complex appearance