How to brush your teeth electric brush

How to brush your teeth electric brush
 Once skeptical and was seen by the appearance of an electric razor. "Is it possible to shave cleaner than the sharpest razor? "- Said retrogrades and predicted the imminent collapse of the new product. Now here's an electric toothbrush ... ridiculous.
 Today, however, the electric toothbrush more supporters and admirers.

Just a fashion? Yes no. This accessory personal oral hygiene really simplifies the process and improves the quality of the operation. So many believe, no longer presents another way to care for their teeth.

Brushing your teeth - a process not a favorite. People are doing it, conscious of the need for dental health treatments and a beautiful smile. So, with Electrobrushes this process becomes more enjoyable. This plus what was said above about a transaction.

Sly and nothing complicated. Just slowly move the cleaning brush head from tooth to tooth and enjoy the process. Detain brush for a few seconds on the outer side of first tooth and then on the inside on the end face. In the same way walk through the gums.

Do not apply pressure on the brush and do not rub it teeth, as you would with an ordinary toothbrush. Let it alone doing its job.

Complete the process of cleaning it is desirable to special dental yarns - dental floss. After brush cleans only three of the five sides of the tooth, which are readily available. Remaining between the teeth surface also need to be cleaned to avoid accumulation of food particles here and plaque. This is where the most often begins caries and gum disease.

Finally, the most convincing argument in favor of an electric toothbrush. Few people today have not heard about Nick Vudzhicha Australian born without arms and legs, but with a huge appetite for a rich and fulfilling life!

Many have probably seen the video showing his independent daily lives. So, thanks to the invention even after the Second World War, electric toothbrush, Nick Vudzhich can unaided brush their teeth. It just gets in your mouth attached to the stand and brush, moving his head, inserts under the head of a tooth for a tooth.

Tags: tooth care, thread, dental, hygiene