Formula sexuality

Formula sexuality
 Mankind has brought a set of formulas by which we can manage our surrounding reality. Since ancient times, men and women interested of what constitutes a natural attraction. It is no accident, because the magnetism gives a person a huge amount of bonuses. Now scientists have learned the secret of opening formula sexuality.

Sexy man always arouses interest in others, the desire to communicate with him. It's hard to deny something and almost impossible to resist. Sexuality - a very powerful weapon, which would like to have every one of us.

In fact, sexuality endowed with all of nature. But some have turned out to realize these qualities, while others - not. For many people, sexuality is locked her main enemies - fear, uncertainty and prejudice.

Well able to manage the natural magnetism of celebrities and stars. For them it is a very important tool in achieving success with the public.

Scientists have found that sexuality - a combination of physical, emotional, intellectual and social manifestations. And the formula itself consists of five components:

1. Comparison of the. This external evaluation of the person, which is unstable and variable. When interacting with any person unconsciously every time you compare yourself with subjects that fall into the field of view. It also makes other people. For example, the first young man may be more courageous than the second. But at the same time, the first will play in this as the third.

2. Internal self-esteem. Is the cost of a person takes eighty percent of the formula. That's what you think about yourself.

This value is stable and sustainable. But it is easy to influence, if you increase the number of its achievements and overcome the complex. Self-esteem - the state of inner peace and harmony with itself.

3. The real value of a person or the average. That's what you said about the majority. This is an aspect emerging from reviews of others.

If a child says to a child around, it was beautiful and smart, so he becomes. In the body, thus allocated certain hormones, there is a certain style of behavior.

4. Conspicuous cost. This is how you see yourself prezentuete others. The simplest component, but occupy only five percent of the formula. These include components such as clothes, manicure, hair, makeup, and accessories. It is a certain style of behavior, manner of dress, intelligent speech.

5. Payment of sexuality. If some person lacks quality, it may replace it with another. For example, an unattractive man compensates for this component of social status or money. Beautiful woman can forgive the absence of any knowledge.

Found that the most sexually attractive are extroverts. They are better interact with people more initiative and risk-averse. Introverts - more withdrawn, thoughtful and clamped. If their sexuality becomes dormant.

Now that you know the formula of sexuality, you can become more active and successful people enjoy life.

Tags: Male formula, sexuality